滨河淮外:快乐英语,快乐学习 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2018-12-24 06:43:00


Good morning everyone! Today, the topic of our speech is "happy English, happy learning".

Life is full of sunshine, life is full of warmth, life needs us to taste slowly, we have to learn to use the eyes to discover the moment passing by. To capture happiness in a moment, store it, and learn from it.




Our school English festival let students have a closer contact with English and feel the infinite charm of English. It can enrich students' daily life, apply theory to practice, and let every corner of the school is filled with the atmosphere of English.

English writing competition let students feel the charm of English letters. English drama added popular elements to show their style.The activity of “English readers” shows good ability on English reading and writing skills. All kinds of activities let us travel in English world.




In fact, the reason for learning English isn’t only its importance, but also we love English.From learning English, we can feel a different language rhythm and a different way of thinking. It can give us more space to contact the world. We will be more confident if we speak English well while travelling around the world.

Kongzi said, "I reflect on myself three times a day", and we as the successor of the new period, should we also reflect in the intense learning -- today, I tried? Am I fulfilled today? Am I happy today?





Join in the fun of learning, my schoolmate. In a side of pure sky, explore culture, explore ideas, explore society, so that the body and mind bathed in books, let the soul accept the wash of knowledge.

Out of bitter silence comes understanding, out of understanding comes joy, the sweet of joy will stay between our lips and teeth forever. This is the joy of learning, the joy of perfection.

Finally, I hope everyone can study happily and grow up healthily in the future.

That's all for my speech. Thank you.



国旗下讲话人:刘力文(中文) 张晨映(英文)

升旗手:吴柯函 杜泽涛 王浩然

护旗手:曹彤 朱妍妍 金思彤 钱蜀缘 朱昱洁 薛莉蓉 陈昱锦 王淮正 夏梓皓 沈俊宇 雍俊哲 李昭烨

初一(13)班 班团队

班主任:李 晔

课任老师:王月 艾之涵 刘逸诗 汪玲 李海丹 李梦露 盛鼎 赵红霞 姜航 宋欣