【红旗飘飘】永远的纪念——缅怀先辈,用知识武装自己 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2021-03-30 10:29:00
Dear teachers and students,
The theme of my speech today is to honor our ancestors and arm ourselves with knowledge.
The winter subside in the spring breeze, the years are far away in the struggle, the white flower offers sacrifices to ancestors,remembering martyrs and heroes, the eyes are filled with tears to offer heroic souls. Let us hold a sincere heart to cherish the memory of heroes and hold a memorial ceremony for the loyal souls.


In the long revolutionary struggle years, there are many heroes and daughters like Huang Jiguang, Dong Cunrui, Liu Hulan, for the liberation of the nation, the happiness of the people, spilled their blood on the homeland and foreign land. Some of them are remembered through the ages, some are unknown. But they all fought for the same goal -- for the cause of communism all their lives.
Though they fall, there are countless others standing up! Their spirit will be passed down from generation to generation, and become the psychological support of our indomitable nation and the prosperity of the country! No matter how bumpy the road ahead, with the strength of these examples, we firmly believe that we have the courage and confidence to face and overcome all difficulties!

In peaceful times, although we do not need to like the martyrs, shed blood, with the body to build the Great Wall of the Republic, we shoulder the revitalization of the mission of the Chinese. we know that martyrs use blood and life to make our happy life. We study happily in a comfortable environment and grow up healthily. We enjoy a convenient life in this sunny day. We know better -- "happiness" does not come easily. We are the future and hope of the motherland, shouldering the heavy responsibility of the construction, so we must learn the indomitable spirit of the martyrs, strictly follow the rules, and work hard.

Liang Qichao once said, "When young people are wise, the country is wise. When young people are strong, the country is strong." Let us remember the heroic martyrs, to develop the perfect happiness in the future, we will following the example of martyrs, cherish the opportunity to learn, learn to practise hard, carry forward the spirit, we should always remember and celebrate the deeds of martyrs, inheriting the legacy of martyrs, we should study hard, to arm ourselves with knowledge, try to make contributions to the construction of the motherland!

That's all for my speech, thank you!

升旗手:章贝豪  陈志豪  谷苏杭
护旗手:洪谱岳  姜青秀  翟梓轩  吴雨芮  陈柯翰  刘泽钦  王紫萱  缪承宇  孙嘉怡  吴行宇  杨毅凡  王建媛
初一(6)班 班团队
科任老师:张月  顾翔  李小平  谢康平  胡海浪  陈瑞  张洋  孙天航 曹煜婕 姜航
