【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外丨初中部:法律伴我成长 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2021-05-10 08:58:00
俗话说得好:“国有国法,家有家规”, 一个良好、安定的国家和社会,肯定需要一些规章制度来维护的。青少年学生是祖国的未来,是建设伟大社会主义祖国的接班人和生力军,是民族的希望、祖国的未来。然而随着科技的进步,互联网时代的到来,青少年学生不可避免的会受到社会中许多不良因素的诱惑和影响,如果不抓住时机加以引导,而放任自流,必然要导致社会问题。
Good morning, dear teachers and classmates.
my topic is The law grew up with me.
As the saying goes: "the country has the national law, the family has the family rule". A good, stable country and the society, certainly needs some rules and regulations to safeguard. Young students are the future of the motherland, the successors and new forces to build the great socialist motherland, the hope of the nation and the future of the motherland. However, with the progress of science, technology and the advent of the Internet era, young students will be influenced by many bad factors in the society. If they do not catch the opportunity to guide, but let go, it will lead to social problems.

目前,青少年违法犯罪的现象可谓是“数量多,危害大,蔓延快”,尤其是在大城市, 违法犯罪的青少年约占青少年总数的万分之二十点六,尤其是在大城市, 违法犯罪的青少年约占青少年总数的万分之二十点六,其中青少年犯罪占刑事犯罪的比例达70%左右,多么惊人的数目呀!这大都是青少年生理尚未成熟,思想单纯,易于冲动,不计后果,缺乏法律观念等问题导致的。 所以,我们不仅要懂法,还要遵守法律,尊老爱幼,团结同学,刻苦学习,做文明人。才能在我们走出校园,融入社会后,真正成为一名知法、懂法、守法的好公民。
At present, the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency can be described as "a large number of crimes, great harm, rapid spread", especially in large cities, juvenile delinquency accounts for about 20.6 (twenty point six) out of 10000 (ten thousand) of the total number of young people, Of which, juvenile delinquency accounts for about 70%( seventy percent) of criminal crimes, what an amazing number! Most of these problems are caused by teenagers' immature physiology, their simple thoughts, impulsive, regardless of consequences, and lack of legal concepts. Therefore, we should not only understand the law, but also obey the law, respect the old and love the young, unite students, study hard, and be civilized. Only when we get out of campus and integrate into society can we really become a good citizen.

We middle school students should study legal knowledge, strengthen the concept of law, be aware of the law and obey the law and the code of conduct of middle school students. It is more important for us to grow up to develop good behavior habits than anything else. We should be strict with ourselves, be honest and actively carry forward the Chinese traditional virtues.
"Don't give up doing good even if it doesn't matter, don't do bad things even if it doesn't stand out." the small relaxation now is likely to lead to a big mistake in the future, so as a middle school student now, we should do the following:

1. 积极参加法制安全教育,增强法制观念、纪律观念、安全观念。
1. Actively participate in legal security education and strengthen the concept of legal system, discipline and safety.
2. Strictly obey the school rules and regulations, do not leave early or late, do not do not fight, do not scold, do not litter anywhere, do not destroy public property, to ensure a good classroom and campus order.
3. Do not run red lights, do not play on the road chase; do not enter the Internet cafes, game halls and so on.

The law is the weapon of defending our rights in our lives, and at the same time, it is the social norm that governs our own behavior. The law accompanies us to grow up and lead us to adulthood. As excellent Binhe students, we should not only grow into a new generation of leaders with knowledge, culture and ideal, but also become good citizens who learn and understand the law. We must compare laws and regulations all the time, measure our behavior, maintain social order, and let us work together to create a harmonious and friendly society.

升旗手:赵若菱   孙思捷   张童成
护旗手:房熙文 张雨菲 万志豪 沈健阳 何宗恒  陈烨 汪千钰 余邵天 梅耕榕 张亚晨 高爽 唐琰  倪嘉欣 张琼文 王宇瑞 庄顺然 左炟 宋彦武
科任老师:崔丽荣 孙慧明 蔡冰洁 陈瑞 姜航 张志璇 张洋 朱盈盈