【红旗飘飘】学会做情绪的主人 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2021-05-18 09:59:00
Dear teachers, dear students
Good morning everyone, the topic of my speech today is: "Learn to be the master of emotions"
We are at a turning point in our life. The status quo of physiological changes and growth of thinking makes us have strong reactions.changes have a great influence on our talking and learning. To understand our own emotion, and to master the methods of emotional management through learning emotional expression, is important for our life and learning.

For many students, there will be a kind of anxiety before and after the test, which is called instinctive test anxiety in psychology. Generally speaking, anxiety can become a power for learning through emotional management. However, more test anxiety often affects the study of review before the test. For the same problems. We can overcome anxiety in the following ways:

1. Study hard to improve the sense of peace of mind
The test is a test of one's own study. If you have enough preparation, your sense of unknown and fear of the result will be down through the improvement of your own study.so, progress and real power are the right ways to overcome anxiety, and build self-confidence, calm the mind, and finally reaching an active mind to the exam.
2.Take a deep breath and focus on mental cues
If our attention cannot be paidto the test paper during the test, it is likely that anxiety will happenin the test room, which will affect the answer. We need to pay attention to the test paper,  take a deep breath, and enough hints can help us get out of anxity and make us more careful.
3. Review in time after the exam and treat the resultswith a peaceful heart
No matter how much the results of the exam, we cannot face the results with a peaceful heart. You can't be free, you have to use yourpower , check for mistakes, and put your feet on the ground in the next time of learning. This is the right way to face your results. We should face up to the results, carefully find the mistakes and problems  and preparations, know the reasons, and learn lessons, and prepare for the next test.

May each of us be the master of our own emotions andhave a better life!
Finally, I wish the seniors in the second year of junior high school to get excellent results in the coming Geography and Biology Entrance Examination and continue to write about the glory of Binhe Huaiwai.
That’s all for my speech, thank you.

国旗下讲话人:马天骐(中文)  王亮竹(英文)
升旗手:石婧晓   王卫博   房姝妤
护旗手:严妍   金科言  王政  章畅  蒋佩孜 王敏任  王宇 王艺璇 高威 武思远   董明珠  李睿哲   房泽凯  杨凡   赵奕泽  王誉璇  贾圣一 徐晓晓
科任老师:薛向阳  曹博怡  胡海浪  张洋  陈瑞  曹煜婕  孙天航   姜航