同心抗疫,你我共担当 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2022-02-21 08:20:00




Dear teachers and students

The title of my speech today is: "Fight the epidemic together , you and I share the responsibility".

At the end of winter and the beginning of spring,our new term begins.The temperature between day and night changes greatly, and COVID-19 comes again. In this special period of epidemic prevention and control, all teachers and students should work together to form a strong team.

Epidemic prevention and control is closely related to everyone's life safety. Therefore, fighting the epidemic is not only a matter for government departments and medical staff, but also for every individual. Everyone is the first responsible person for our own health, and we should also strictly prevent and control the epidemic in schools. 




First, we must be alert. In crowded public places, we should wear masks, and in closed indoor places, we should do better personal protection.

If you have obvious symptoms of fever and don’t feel well, you should pay more attention to rest, and go to the hospital if necessary. When taking public transportation, you should wear a mask at all times. We need improve our safety awareness and make epidemic prevention and control become a habit of our life.

Second, we should take the little things in life seriously and carefully. We have to wear masks every day and enter the school after receiving temperature checks at the school gate. These normalized inspections have played an important role in epidemic prevention and control.



We should also pay attention to opening more windows in the classroom, washing hands frequently every day, and keeping daily items clean. These good ways to prevent diseases are also very important. Implementing protection into every action will help epidemic prevention and control get a result.

The current epidemic situation is complex and severe. In order to take good care of the health of teachers and students, build a strong school epidemic defense line,We will do a good job of epidemic prevention during the epidemic and effectively deal with the winter flu.Here are some advice:

1. 勤洗手。许多细菌在手上滋生,如果不多洗手,很容易将病毒传染。





1. Wash your hands frequently. Many germ grow on your hands, and if you don't wash your hands, it's easy to spread the virus.

2. Wear a mask.COVID-19 is a virus that can be transmitted from person to person, so we should wear masks in public places.

3. If a teacher or classmate has symptoms of fever or cough, they should wear a mask and see a doctor in time to avoid being sick in class.

4. Exercise more. Do a lot of exercise, keep strong, and do a good job of preventing cold and defending warm.

5. Do not buy online or ask parents to send express to school.

预防疾病要从小事做起,从点点滴滴做起。 同学们,在疫情期间,我们一定要做好防控措施,保护我们自身的健康安全。



Prevention of disease should start with small things, bit by bit. Students, during the epidemic, we must take preventive and control measures to protect our own health and safety.

I hope everyone can love and protect themselves. We must strengthen our confidence and believe that the epidemic will eventually pass.

We must conscientiously implement the school's various epidemic prevention measures, fight the epidemic together, and you and I will shoulder the responsibility.


国旗下讲话人:张悯 卜凡

升旗手:宋文博 秦朗 季培宇

护旗手:邵淇 张成杰 雷颖 丁威纶 张子轩 李鑫睿 唐耀 余宗翰 胡靖宇 刘子衡 王谦 甘雨凡



科任老师:李晔 姜淼 王睿 张冉月 孙天航 沈婷 盛鼎 周冶 徐彦彦 柴姗姗



