传承伟人精神,共筑时代梦想——缅怀敬爱的周恩来总理 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2022-02-28 16:18:00



Dear teachers, parents, Dear Students:

Good Morning Everyone! The theme of the speech under the flag of our country today is “Inheriting the spirit of great men, building the dream of the Times together”.

As we approach the 124th birthday of Premier Zhou Enlai this week, the school will have a series of school week activities. On This Day, we are gathered here with great admiration and deep remembrance of his outstanding contributions to the party, the people, the state and the People’s armed forces, and to recall and learn from his lofty spirit as an outstanding model for the Chinese Communist Party. Let us touch the charm of personality across time and space, inherit the red spirit of immortality, and build the dream of the Times of China’s take-off.



Zhou Enlai, it is a glorious name, an immortal name. Every time we mention the name, we feel very warm and proud. Premier Zhou’s outstanding achievements and lofty demeanor in his glorious life of seeking happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenation for the Chinese nation and striving for the cause of human progress are deeply engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, it is also deeply etched in the hearts of those who seek peace and justice throughout the world.

As a student at Nankai Middle School, Zhou Enlai had set his ambition to study for the rise of China, linking his personal ideal with the fate of his country and nation. He devoted himself to the May 4th Patriotic Movement, went to Europe to seek truth, led the Nanchang Uprising, promoted the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, and organized the drafting of the common program, after the founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China, he worked day and night, even in the last years of his life, he was still sick and worried about the affairs of the state and the people... in the face of different tasks and demands of the times, Premier Zhou had the courage to shoulder the responsibility and constantly meet the challenges, and keep on fighting.




In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we have a new historical mission on our shoulders and are faced with new risks, new challenges and new difficulties. We need to make efforts to learn from Premier Zhou, to shoulder our responsibilities and to face up to contradictions, good at solving problems, to time, seize the day of the spirit, take the baton of predecessors, with the motherland, the world, hard study, set foot on the journey of a new era, create the peak of the new world!

Dear Students, President Xi said we are all dreamers. Looking ahead to a new era, the motherland is taking off. Let us pass on the red genes, set up lofty ideals and shoulder the heavy burden of history, the Chinese Dream will light up every corner of the world!

This is the end of my speech, thank you!


国旗下讲话人:徐启然(中文)   陈婉妍(英文)

升旗手:宋文轩  张议丹  徐楷智

护旗手:岳浩宇  刘奕贤  冯博石  王子睿  周皓月  朱羿蒙  孙致远  孙语潞  葛秉溯  贾轲媛  徐心愿  钱启月