【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外:新年新气象 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-01-08 10:18:00


一元复始,万象更新。 2018年已经过去,我们收获很多,不禁感叹大美滨河真的是一块充满生机的沃土。2019前景灿烂,我们豪情满怀。

Good morning ! Today, the topic of my speech is "New Year New beginning".

When looking back, we worked hard and innovate  in 2018. As the new year begins, we also have a new start. 2018 has passed and we have gained a lot. Huaian foreign language school is a fertile land full of life. In 2019, we are full of pride and enthusiasm with a bright future.

Looking back on the past, we are excited and proud;  looking forward to the future, we are full of confidence and strength.






Today, I would like to propose three wishes to my classmates for the New Year:

First, in the New Year, I hope students can be strict with themselves, lenient  to others, to form a good personality and moral standards. In society, students can be good citizens who follow laws. In school, we can be  good students who respect teachers and unite students. At home, we can be good children who respect and are filial to our elders.

Second, I hope students can cherish the time and study hard in the New Year. As the saying goes: Best year in spring, best day in morning. Youth is a very important stage in our life. Only when we seize every minute of the present can we look to the bright future.

Third, I hope that students can be full of hope for life and full of energy. We all know that  success always belongs to those who are active.


在这里,好好学习,天天向上为我们指明了努力的方向,催人上进,振奋人心;在这里,有默默耕耘的辛勤园丁,有勤奋学习的莘莘学子; 在这里,散发着油墨的清香,跳动着青春的脉搏;在这里,有我们对生活的激情,更有我们对未来的渴望;


Study hard and make progress every day. It points out the direction of hard work. Here are hard gardeners who work silently and a great number of students who study hard. Here is our passion for life, but also our desire for the future.

This year, better results are waiting for us to create. A magnificent career awaits us to expend our wisdom and talents.




"New Year New beginning". I wish you a happy New Year and Wish Huaian foreign language school a better tomorrow!

That’s all. Thank you!



国旗下中文讲话人:童甜甜  英文讲话人:杜仲

升旗手:戴佳旺 王心页 姜米琪

护旗手:胡宇航 陈九钢 王启贤 范雨行 张志伟 张睿 许新悦 周昕 汤智琦 王艺凡 朱笑妍 丁瑗

初一(14)班 班团队


课任老师:徐凡茹 朱芳芳 刘逸诗 汪玲 冯童馨 李梦露 盛鼎 赵红霞 姜航 宋欣