传承红色基因,争做责任少年 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2022-10-11 10:09:00




百年以前,革命先辈们艰苦奋斗、不畏艰险,才有了我们现如今的美好生活。深思往昔峥嵘岁月,作为新时代的少年,我们很幸运,能够生在这个资源充足、 信息发达的时代,国家繁荣富强,科技飞速发展,社会和谐安定,生活便捷快乐。

Dear teachers and schoolmates, good morning! Today the topic of my speech is "Inherit the red gene and  be a responsible teenager!".
Somemay ask me: What is "red gene"? The red gene is the red spirit, which is the great patriotic spirit left by the revolutionary martyrs.
Ahundred years ago, our revolutionary  ancestors worked hard through ups and downs. Without them, we couldn’t have such a good life today. Looking past, we feel lucky to be born in a new era  rich in resources and information and in which our country is prosperous and strong, science and technology develop fast, the society is harmonious and stable, and our life is convenient and happy.



Nowwe are teenagers. It is the best stage of life, a painting full of sunshine, and ahymn sung with hard work and wisdom.
"Bea good teenager of the motherland today and a builder for it tomorrow. Good life belongs to you, and the beautiful Chinese dream belongs to you." This is what President Xi asks for us, and it is also the hope of the Party and the country.


Today, we remember the heroes and inherit  their  patriotism; today, we  remember history in order to create a better future. When the youth are thriving, the country will thrive, and when the youth are strong, the country will be strong. Now the handover of history has been passed on to our hands.As teenagers in the new era, we should never forget our aspiration and keep our mission in mind. In hard-won peace times, we should never forget the courage and will of our ancestors, study hard and serve the motherland.



Wemust shoulder this responsibility and be responsible teenagers, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
That'sall for my speech. Thank you.


国旗下讲话人:王紫涵(中文)   段欣怡(英文)

升旗手:季培宇   居然   宋文博

护旗手:朱云飞   成子豪   刘国典   马锦文   张文轩   孙少琨  薛柯亦    薛栋豪   张轩   于朗丰   付家豪   印苏泽



科任老师:张伟   杨煜    王彦   谢康平   徐彦彦   冯彩蓉   汪文雪    刘思雨   赵红霞    吴祖安   朱盈盈


