滨河淮外:全力以赴,决胜期末 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-01-15 09:18:00



Good morning everyone!The topic of my speech is "Try your best to prepare for the final exam".

The final exam is coming soon and we are reviewing all the subjects carefully at present. How do you go over every subject efficiently?

First, all the students should realize the importance of review.The purpose of review is to organize the knowledge that we have learned.Through review, we can find out the missing points and consolidate the knowledge. Then we can become a person with knowledge and abilities.





Second, ask questions.If you have any questions, just ask teachers and other classmates until you understand. In this way, you can make up for loopholes in studying timely and effectively.

Third, Strike a balance between study and rest.To get the best results, you must be in good health and in good spirits.During the review period, you still need to sleep on time every day as usual. Make sure you have enough sleep and do some exercise.




Fourth, to be confident.There is a famous saying: "I believe I can do it!” Perhaps some students do not take this word. In fact, if you want to do something successfully, you must have confidence, believe in yourself! .On the other hand, if you are always timid and have no confidence, you do not have the courage to try even the simplest things, there will be no success. Everything starts with confidence, so you should take the first step confidently.

At last, take action right now.Goals are not words, they need to be proved with action. Don't leave today's work for tomorrow, because tomorrow is the day losers make excuses. So please act now! During the review, find out the problems quickly and then ask the teachers for help. Do not put them off until tomorrow.


同学们, “一份耕耘,一份收获。”你在学习上付出了多少汗水,就会换来多少成果!最后,预祝同学们在期末质量调研中取得优异的成绩!


Dear classmates "No pain, no gain.”The more effort you put into your study, the better results you will get! Finally, wish everyone success in the final exam!

Thank you!



国旗下讲话人:王雯菲(中文)  王可佳(英文)

升旗手:孙成宇 宋欣芮 丁茂桢

护旗手:赵力 孙鑫 李雨宸 徐溢 吴涛 徐嘉跃 郑睿 王茂宇 王春意 冯致澎 孙智力 周轩如

初二(1)班 班团队


课任老师:曹爱国 郭昊 肖菊 杨学宽 孙露 李海丹 戴彦贤 张菱淼 许文甲 姜航 宋欣

教育的理想境界,不是管,不是导,而是唤起学生的主体意识。即学生能自己认识自己,自己教育自己,自觉改造自己,自觉不断前进。因为"真正的教育是自我教育"。为了让班主任从"保姆式"班级管理中解脱出来,淮安外国语学校滨河校区从2018年9月开学之初,便致力于管理思路和理念的转变,大力培养学生的管理主体意识,培养学生对班级、学校、社会的责任感和使命感。为此,我们开展了“免管理优秀班集体” 创建活动,采用民主的管理方法,营造和谐的班级氛围,使学生成为班级管理的主体,有力地推动了优良班风、学风的形成。


初一  2班、4班、6班、8班、14班

初二  3班、4班、5班、7班