严于律己,宽以待人 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2022-11-14 14:49:00

Teachers and students:

The topic of my speech today is: Be strict with yourself and learn to be a man.
People value self-discipline. Only on the basis of self-discipline can we achieve real freedom.


In order to enjoy freedom, freedom must be restricted". Everyone likes a comfortable and comfortable environment. When doing things, they always unconsciously come up with the idea of "how to do things easily". Sometimes they do, but they do not ask themselves whether it is OK to do so, and whether they can complete the task in this way? Generally, after finishing something in a relaxed way, you will always regret at some time in the future, and then use more time to make up for it than before. The "relaxed" and "comfortable" you craved in the past become your heavy burden at this time. Therefore, when we do something, we should do it seriously and down-to-earth. We should not let any of our attempts to relax. Only a person who can strictly manage himself and can truly achieve self-discipline will take a longer life.

Learning tolerance is also something we should try our best to do. Only by learning tolerance can we be kind to others and help our own development. "Only broad can accommodate people, but thick can carry things". The reason why the sea can be magnificent is that it can accept every trickle of water gathered in it, thus developing into an endless ocean. The same is true of life. A person who can understand, accept, and be considerate of others will also be understood and accepted by others. Those who have been understood, accepted, and cared about by you will walk with you on your way forward.

But tolerance does not mean indulging others' mistakes, or simply giving in. We should learn to tolerate people and things that are harmless, but we should never tolerate those that violate principles, touch the bottom line or even violate morality. At this time, the so-called tolerance has become connivance and lost its original meaning

Self discipline is a steelyard in everyone's mind. One is conscience, the other is greed. Only by leveling this steelyard can we become better. Tolerance is not morality, but understanding. Only when we have a deep understanding of things can we understand and forgive the complexity of people and the world, and can we have a habit of thinking that is not easy to blame and praise. Only when everyone tries to give consideration to both, can we go further and further on our own road, and our society will become better and better as a result
The topic of my speech today is: Be strict with yourself and learn to be a man.
Students, the establishment of a harmonious campus requires the continuous improvement of the self-discipline consciousness of all people in the sea. I hope that every student can strengthen self-discipline and learn to be a man in school and outside life.
Finally, I will give you a famous saying from Dante: Morality can often fill the defects of wisdom, but wisdom can never fill the defects of morality.
Thank you!


国旗下讲话人:殷榕蔓(中文讲话人)   胡敬悦(英文讲话人)

升旗手:郁俊杰   陆贞宇   陈治宇

护旗手:万子冉   严文婕   望罗明月  颜雨昕   胡欣语   蒋梵净   杨欣悦

李忠灿   翟允杰    余文轩   丁宇恒   鲁雅

初一(6)班 班团队


任课老师:郭英伟   朱芳芳    姜航   陈瑞    王定巧     徐梦雅    梁艳梅

曹煜婕  谢康平   冯彩蓉





