守护生命之源,共建节水校园 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2023-03-21 14:46:00




Dear teachers, dear students.

Good morning, everyone!, Today, the theme of my speech is "Protecting the source of life, building a water-saving school".

"If humans do not cherish water, then the last drop of water we can see will be our own tears." Water is the source of life, is the survival of all life, social and economic development is indispensable and irreplaceable important natural resources and environmental factors. For this reason, March 22 every year is designated as "World Water Day", and the week in which March 22 is located is designated as "China Water Week".

China's water resources have two major problems: one is the shortage of water resources, and the other is the serious water pollution. According to some information, China is a country with serious water shortage in drought, and the per capita fresh water resources are only 1/4 of the world average, ranking 110th in the world, which is one of the most water-poor countries in the world. For every student of Daimei Binhe, we should establish the awareness of water conservation and cultivate the concept of water conservation. In this regard, the first year class 1 issues the following initiative to all students and teachers in the school.




First, the faucets in our school are water-saving faucets that can continuously adjust the size of the water output. You should choose the size of the water volume of the faucet according to the needs of water consumption, and do not turn it on directly to the maximum, causing unnecessary waste.

Second, when washing hands, face, brush teeth do not always open the faucet, should be intermittent release of water. For example, when washing hands and face, the faucet should be closed when soaping, and when brushing teeth, the faucet should be closed after the cup is full of water.

Third, when you see a faucet open or dripping without being turned off, turn off the faucet at hand. When you see a damaged faucet, you should quickly report it to the class teacher or other teachers so that the logistics master can take measures to repair or replace it.





Fourthly, try to shorten the water consumption time when bathing. This is not only not conducive to saving water, but also easy for the students behind to take a longer bath, causing great inconvenience for other students.

Fifthly, we advocate the action of "empty bottle" to stop the waste of "half bottle of water". Students in the water fountain to receive water, a small amount of water to prevent long periods of time without drinking cold, but also for later students to save time, do not waste when not drinking, and wait for the water to cool after the water is also used to water the classroom green maintenance.

Sixth, water waste in the home is also a major factor in water waste. Educate parents, relatives and friends about the necessity and importance of water conservation, change the bad habit of wasting water at home, save water at home, and cultivate the habit of saving water at home.

Seventh, water conservation should not only be "good alone", but also "good to the world". When you see the waste of water resources and pollution of the water environment, you should be brave enough to stop it.



Boys and girls, we should always be mindful of ourselves and act economically. Here, we also call on students to pay attention to saving electricity, saving food and saving paper. Let's all take action together to cultivate our will by diligence and cultivate our morality by frugality. Contribute to the creation of a frugal campus and a frugal society!

So much for my speech,thank you,everyone!










