缅怀革命先烈,凝聚奋进力量 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2023-04-03 10:18:00



Dear teachers, dear students,

Good morning, everyone!Today,the theme of my speech is“Remembering the revolutionary martyrs, gathering the strength for struggle” .

During the Tomb-sweeping Day, we pay tribute to our ancestors,express our grief to heroes who made sacrifices for the independence and the prosperity of the country .




General Secretary Xi Jinping has said that a nation with hope cannot live without heroes, and a country with a future cannot live without pioneers. In 2019, at the parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a vehicle with the license plate number 1949, and although there was a microphone in it, but no one took it.

Classmates, do you know why? This car is carrying countless heroes, they sacrificed their precious lives in exchange for our happy life!

The deeds of heroes should be told, and the spirit of heroes should be passed on. We should take practical actions to remember the martyrs and pay tribute to the heroes. We should carry forward the spirt of patriotism and to be good young people of the new era.



Li Dazhao, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, was arrested and tortured by all kinds of punishments. He said " The reactionaries hanged me today, but they cannot hang the great communism, the communism in China is bound to get a glorious victory. The Communist Party of China, in its hundred years of existence, has a large number of heroes. Therefore, we should firmly believe in the ideals of communisum, to be people of strong faith and will.

Now, we needn’t sacrifice ourselves for others. As teenagers, we should study hard, remember the heroes, get knowledge in practice.Then, we can contribute to the construction of the motherland.





We should improve our quality, remember the martyrs. Our young students should develop good habits, follow the rules,listen carefully in class, finish our homework in time, grow healthily, to become the excellent students.

Classmates, finally, let us remember their sacrifice,study hard, and continue to strive for a better future.

So much for my speech!Thank you.



