菊花香溢满重阳,敬老情深暖人心 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2023-10-23 14:15:00

Dear teachers and classmates,

Hello, everyone. I am Liang Mengfan from Class Six, Grade Eight.Today, the topic of my speech is "Chrysanthemum Fragrance fills the Double Ninth Festival, deep respect for the elderly warms the heart".

The Double Ninth Festival began in the Warring States Time, as the number "nine" stands for "yang", and the ninth day of September is the day when the two "yang" coincide, so the Double Ninth Festival came into being. Later, because of the homonym of "nine" and "long", people associate it with longevity, and the Double Ninth Festival has become a day for the elderly, a day for respecting and loving the elderly.
If childhood is a painting, adolescence is a dream, youth is a poem, and middle age is a prose, then old age is a breeze, a banner , and even a history... In the past days, the elderly have worked hard for the progress of society, made selfless contributions, devoted themselves to their families, worked tirelessly, and paid everything for the country...

Respecting the elderly is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Throughout the ages, we have many stories about respecting and loving the elderly: in ancient times, there were stories about Mulan taking her father's place in the army and Huang Xiang making a warm bed; in recent times, there are touching stories about Chen Yi's visit to his mother and others that touch people's hearts and enrich their minds.Today, as the future masters of the country, we have a responsibility to inherit and carry forward this precious spiritual wealth.
可是,现实生活中,我却曾目睹很不和谐的画面。曾经,我看到公交车司机对站牌下的老人视若无睹,一脚油门,飞驰而过,仅仅因为老人们拿的是免费乘车卡 ;而在疫情期间,我们也时有耳闻,没有智能手机的老人们因无法因使用健康码而被迫下车或被阻挡在门外的新闻……这是多么让人愤怒和心寒的一幕啊!我们不应该让时代的建设者,在老了之后却被时代抛弃。
However, in real life, I saw very disharmonious scenes. Once, I saw a bus driver turn a blind eye to the elderly under the bus stop and speed past them, just because they were holding free ride cards;during the epidemic, we have also heard news that elderly people without smart phones were forced to get off the bus or blocked outside the door because they could not use the health code... What an angry and chilling scene! We should not let the builders of the times be abandoned by the times when they are old.

Respecting and loving the elderly cannot be limited to slogans, proposals, or a speech under the national flag.
To respect the elderly, we should start with respecting our own elders. As we grow up, their black hair turns white and their bodies became haggard. In the face of these elderly people who have dedicated themselves to their children, we should take good care of them.Perhaps a sincere greeting in life can add happiness to the elderly, and a trivial thing may also become their happiness for a long time.
Mencius once said, "Take care of your own elders as well as the elders of others." We should not only care for the elderly at home, but also care for the elderly in society. Our happy life today cannot be separated from the hard work and selfless dedication of the older generation. Moreover, China has entered an aging society, and further advocating respect and love for the elderly is also the responsibility of the society.

"Flowers never bloom again, and no one is young again." One day we will also grow old. To respect the elderly is to respect the glorious tradition of the Chinese nation and ourselves. It’s our duty to respect and love the elderly.
It's the Double Ninth Festival again. Let's take action.Take some time to call the elders in the family, give them a holiday greeting and thank them for all they have done for us. Of course, this is not just a matter of one day on the Double Ninth Festival. On weekdays, we can spend more time with them, chat and do things, express our love for them. And at the same time, we should extend our care and help to the grandparents in the community.
Every year there is a Double Ninth Festival, and now there is a Double Ninth Festival. The best of the year is the Double Ninth Festival.In this cool autumn season, let us wish all the elderly in the world can be happy and healthy, "happy old age"!
So much for my speech, thank you!





初二(6)班 班团队

