心怀感恩,与爱同行 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2023-11-21 15:06:00

Dear teachers and classmates

Good morning everyone!
The theme of my speech under the national flag today is "Feeling grateful, walking with love"

When we come to this world, before we can do anything, we begin to enjoy all the material and spiritual achievements brought to us by our predecessors. This reminds us all to have a grateful heart. Because of gratitude, there is a colorful world; Because of gratitude, we will understand the true meaning of life. We should be grateful to our parents, thank them for giving us children in our lives, and thank them for their selfless efforts and nurturing kindness towards us. As the saying goes, 'A drop of kindness is repaid by a gushing spring'. Moreover, what parents give us is not just a drop of water, but a vast ocean.

Students should never forget the love, care, and care of our parents for us. Be grateful to your parents with your practical actions. You should study hard and not let them worry about you anymore; Share household chores more, so that they can rest more for a while: don't complain, don't contradict parents, make the family full of laughter and laughter... do our best to leave the brightest and most beautiful time for parents, make them happy, and make them proud!
We also need to be grateful to our teachers for their enlightenment on our minds and care for our life growth. Thank you to the teacher for their hard work and guidance. On the journey of life, teachers have enriched our souls, developed our intelligence, and ignited a ray of hope for us. They only know how to give and never want to receive, how can we not show sincere respect to them. Study hard, listen attentively, do neat homework, greet each other, abide by school rules and regulations, and repay the teacher's kindness in cultivating us with their own practical actions.

We should be grateful to our classmates for their help in times of difficulty, companionship in times of loneliness, and comfort in times of pain. Classmates transcend utilitarianism, disregarding gains and losses, and generously give us selfless care, valuable trust, honest advice, and enthusiastic encouragement at all times. Which one is not worth cherishing? Let us also have a grateful heart in our interactions with classmates, with more tolerance and understanding, less arguments and indifference, more sincerity and unity, less deception and concealment, more harmony and warmth, less division and jealousy. Cherish the affection between classmates, because this is the most precious treasure of our lives.

In addition, we also need to thank nature for its gifts, society for its gifts, learn to love nature, and repay society. Be a person with a sense of dedication and social responsibility. A person must learn to be grateful and have a grateful heart for life in order to truly be happy. Sheep have the grace to kneel and milk, crows have the love to feed back, and giving roses to others leaves a lingering fragrance in their hands. These are all due to having a grateful heart, which makes them fragrant and fragrant. Looking at everything with a grateful heart, you will discover how happy you are.
Classmates, there is always something to be grateful for in life. Let's learn to be grateful! Less complaining, more gratitude: less indifference, more gratitude. With a grateful heart, when we look at the world, we will find that life is so harmonious and beautiful. May everyone have a grateful heart!
Thank you all!





初二(10)班  班团队

