遵纪守法,心存敬畏 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2023-12-05 15:37:00

Dear teachers and students, the theme of today's speech is " Observe the Law and Be in Awe".
Rules seem to be a restriction. In fact, they are our patron saint. Observing them is the best protection for ourselves.


Obeying traffic rules can protect your safety; obeying workplace rules can help you improve; obeying national regulations can ensure you safety... People who don't follow the rules will be taught a lesson by society. Sooner or later, people without a bottom line will be punished by the law.

The rule exists because it is the guardian line of life. In March 2020, at Nanjing South Railway Station, a man was going to platform 22 to board the train . He did not follow the prescribed route. In order to save trouble, he jumped directly off the track from platform 21 and wanted to walk to platform 22 through the track. At that time, a train had already arrived at the station, but he was still not cautious and wanted to have a try. Unfortunately, he failed to hold up the high platform. The approaching train trapped him between the platform and the train, causing him to roll up in the cracks. When the firefighters rescued him, the man had no vital signs. Because of the accident, a large number of passengers were stranded at the station for more than two hours. People who were delayed for two hours are still living on; and this man, who saved two minutes in order to walk a few less, left his life here forever.

Tragedy is difficult to avoid if people ignore the rules.

If people ignore the rules and blatantly break them, they will be severely punished by the law. Two thousand years ago, every country wanted to be the strongest one in this troubled time. But why can only the State of Qin finally unify the country? Han Feizi, a legal representative in the Warring States Period, said: Everything has its own rules. In his view, "Qin became the leader of the hero of the seven kingdoms, all relying on Shang Yang’ clear law, and then Qin dynasty had great governance ." Because of Shang Yang's change, the State of Qin had a completed legal system and finally merged the six countries. If the law is strong, the country will be strong; if the law is weak, the country will be weak.


Only by obeying discipline and law can the people be peaceful and the country be stable. The best freedom is to follow the rules. No road can be crossed arbitrarily, and no track can be forcibly crossed. There is no rule in the world that can be arbitrarily ignored and violated. The law is not engraved on marble or on copper watches, but in the hearts of citizens.
My classmates, please keep the rules and laws in mind, cherish life, and be an excellent citizen who obey and respect the law.
Thank you. That's the end of my speech.






初二(12)班 班团队

