跑出青春风采 练就健康体魄 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


跑出青春风采 练就健康体魄

发布时间:2023-12-18 16:35:00



大家上午好!今天我国旗下演讲的主题是《跑出青春风采 练就健康体魄》
Dear teachers and classmates

Good morning everyone! The theme of my speech under the national flag today is "Running Out of Youth and Cultivating a Healthy Body"
As the saying goes, practice three nines in winter and three fu in summer. Winter is the coldest season and the best time for us to exercise. However, many of our classmates continue to experience a decline in physical fitness, physical fitness, and an increase in obesity rates, which is indeed a worrying situation.

Recently, the temperature has gradually decreased, and many students have become households with difficulty getting up and specialized in catching colds. Despite multiple reminders from life teachers and duty teachers, there are still some students who cannot get up on time; During running exercises, some students are panting and falling behind after just two steps.
Classmates, physical exercise is the best way to enhance resistance and prevent diseases, and it is also an active way to rest, which can eliminate brain fatigue and improve learning efficiency; Winter sports exercise involves exposure to sunlight, which not only kills viruses and bacteria on the human skin and clothing, but also promotes the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and other substances, promoting bone growth and development.
Persisting in running can hone one's resilient willpower. During the recently concluded International Ski Federation freestyle skiing event on December 9th, Chinese athlete Gu Ailing accidentally injured her shoulder a few days before the competition. The doctor suggested that Gu Ailing undergo surgery, but in order to participate in the World Cup competition on this site, she decided to postpone the surgery. Wearing protective gear, the ninja suffered severe pain and ultimately won the championship with a score of 94.25. She taught us that by defeating ourselves, we are the strong.

Passionate running can stimulate the fighting spirit of striving and striving for excellence. The founder of the modern Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin, once said, "What is important in life is not victory, but struggle.". Whether it is the Chinese women's volleyball team that perseveres in training, overcomes injuries, and endures setbacks during low times, or the Chinese women's football team that faces challenges, withstands pressure, and turns defeat into victory in competitions, they all strive to be the first and dare to fight with tenacious will and an indomitable spirit. They embody the sportsmanship of "faster, higher, and stronger" through their struggle. As long as each of us classmates keeps the same pace, clenches fists with both hands, swings our arms back and forth with the music, is full of energy, looks up and straightens our chests, who else can we be in the first place of our class in the month end running competition?
Collaborative running, promoting the spirit of mutual assistance, friendship, unity, and progress. Those who act alone are difficult to rise, while those who act alone are easily driven. In 2021, the 138th Session of the International Olympic Committee voted to add "more unity" after the Olympic motto "faster, higher, stronger". In a running competition, if each student fights on their own, even the standard movements will inevitably be messy and scattered. Only by following the collective's pace and adjusting one's movements and position can one achieve coordination and consistency, and form a perfect visual effect.

Classmates, we are the future of our motherland, and if the youth are strong, China will be strong. Exercise for one hour every day, work healthily for fifty years, and live happily for a lifetime. Take good physical education classes, do well in running exercises during the break, and participate in sports in a planned 10 minute break. Let's enjoy fun, improve our personality, and temper our willpower in sports, and meet the challenges of learning and life with a stronger physique!
My speech ends here, thank you all!



升旗手:王浩天、肖宇航、王 潇


初二(13)班 班团队





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