梨花风起寄相思 挥斥方遒正当时 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


梨花风起寄相思 挥斥方遒正当时

发布时间:2024-04-01 09:02:00


Distinguished guests, teachers, dear students:Good morning, everyone.

我是今天的国旗下讲话人王思衡:今天,我演讲的题目是《梨花风起寄相思  挥斥方遒正当时》。

I am Zhao Naifei: today, the title of my speech is The wind of the pear blossom sends love to our ancestors".
It's another year when the grass is green, and the pear blossom winds up to send the love. The Qingming Festival is a time for people to remember the dead and their ancestors. Remembering ancestors has been passed down since ancient times. Along with the warming spring breeze, we send our condolences in the greenness of the earth's recovery, treading the spring like a song.

Nowadays, bathed in the sunshine of peace and happiness, we should not only regard the Qingming Festival as a day to send our condolences to our deceased relatives, but also as a day to remember the heroic martyrs who have dedicated themselves and sacrificed their lives for the independence and emancipation of the nation, and for the prosperity and strength of the country.
General Secretary Xi once said, "A hopeful nation cannot do without heroes, and a promising country cannot do without pioneers. All national heroes, including war heroes, are the backbone of the Chinese nation, and their deeds and spirit are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward."

We honour the martyrs by carrying forward their spirit of dedication. They are the backbone of the spirit of the nation, the value of the community benchmark, they are selfless dedication, do not ask for reward, forgetting to give the model of the times.
As a student of Riverside Huaiwai, everyone is a part of this big family, we should have a heart of dedication, a heart of love, and set up ambitious life ideals and goals. We have to understand that the value of life is not how much we have, but how much we give. We need to think more, more action, more dedication, with practical action for the development of society to contribute their strength!

We remember the martyrs, is to learn and inherit their unremitting struggle, tenacious spirit, from them to draw the power of progress. The road to school, although slow, although hard, but full, but wonderful, we want to build on the spirit of martyrdom, with high morale, full of spirit into the study, every day to maintain a positive, optimistic, upward mindset, sunshine and self-confidence into the bright classroom, read every page of the book, and work hard to do a good job on every lesson, self-discipline and cultivation, prudence and refinement, and strive to master the excellent skills, to do a responsible, when the responsibility, when the burden, and to help the family and country, and to help the community. The modern Chinese with a heart of family and country and a heart for the whole world will take action to pay tribute to the martyrs of the past.

"The scenery is clear and bright, and the clouds and mountains look great in the corner of my eye." Every time we look back at history, it is for a new start. The glorious history of the Republic has been written by the forefathers, the brilliant future of the Chinese nation will be created in our hands, show respect to the history, look forward to the future, It’s now that we should take action immediately, with their own talent ,we should try our best to make a great contribution to the building of the Chinese nation ,we can also make a difference. thank you all!





初一(15)班  班团队

