滨河淮外 I 初中部 :缅怀革命先烈,感恩幸福生活 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


滨河淮外 I 初中部 :缅怀革命先烈,感恩幸福生活

发布时间:2019-04-01 10:38:00

Good morning, everyone! It’s my honor to stand here to give my speech. Today my topic is ‘To remember the heroes, to cherish our happy life’.

Another qingming festival, another day to remember the heroes. It was the heroes who lost their own lives for national independence and peace. Some in order to completely fight with the old world, and the establishment of new socialist China, they shed their heads, blood and gave up their own lives; Some in the peacebuilding period, for the motherland's strength , sacrificed their youth and blood.


Once, there was the spirit of the red army! What is it that makes weak red army break through the difficulties and succeed ? What is it that makes red army be willing to give up all of them and make red army overcome danger to be successful? It is the faith! It's the belief in the hearts of the Red Army to become masters and live a happy life, so they fought bravely.Therefore there is a saying goes that "the red army is not afraid of any difficulties" .It is also because of this belief in the hearts of them that there is a long way to go ,so we must fight bravely! It is because of this belief so that the red army can go well with the farm. 


They are heroes, they are landmarks, they are a good example for all of us! Because of their courage and their faith as well as their respectable spirit,I am moved by them. We should learn their courage and remember them forever.



Yesterday will always belongs to the past, today is underfooting, let us remember the heroes and then open up a better and happier future, we must take the heroes as an example, cherish learning chances to study.At the same time, we should carry forward the spirit of the revolution in order to do a better help to the motherland and devote ourselves to the development of China.

That’s all for my speech. Thank you !


国旗下讲话人:蒋 议(中文)陈星颖(英文)

升旗手:郭东熠 冯清涵 薄熙文

护旗手:朱正 李丁 高其磊 杨帆 葛昱梁 丁晟栩 胡心茹 殷艺泽 孙思睿 严雯欣 金芸吉 程佳雪

初二(7)班 班团队


课任老师:田学银 曹爱国 葛猛  王芸 张大伟 孙都 许文甲 张伟 刘逸诗 李梦露 盛鼎


