滨河淮外 I 初中部 :春意浓浓,“筝筝”日上 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


滨河淮外 I 初中部 :春意浓浓,“筝筝”日上

发布时间:2019-04-08 13:08:00


Good morning,everyone.The topic of my speech is “The warm spring,The kite fly”.

Everything comes to life.The best time is in March. Spring Girl throws her life to April, which makes the earth vibrant, everything revived, birds are singing and flowers smell fragrant. Walking on the yellow and green grass, you can smell the refreshing fragrance of the soil; walking in the garden, you can see the flowers rushing to blossom, one cluster, one cluster!



When you start a new day's study in the morning facing the sunrise, you need to raise your head, keep your heart up, be confident, and have a great determination in your heart. When you finish your day's study and leave the classroom, you need to touch your schoolbag and ask yourself what you have learned today. Have you wasted a day? Is it a step closer to your magical dreams, great ideals and good wishes?

Students, let's follow the spring, pick up the brush, and paint a more beautiful life. Let's have your mind be carefree and sing a song of spring together.No pain,no gain.!Only when we pay , can we gain.


"Children come back early from school and fly paper kites in the East wind."Spring is also the best time to fly kites. And we also ushered in the "kite festival" From understanding the origin of kites to making kites by hand, and then flying them, I believe that students have a deeper understanding of the traditional culture of our country. Looking at kites flying in the sky, we can not help sighing. This is actually our students' colourful dreams!

身为中学生的我们现在不也是走进了人生的春天吗?春天是美的,春天是善的。而最美的我们将从这里扬帆启航,披荆斩棘, “雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”,同学们,现在我们又站在新的起跑线上。我们要从现在做起,从自我做起,从点滴做起,开拓进取,努力学习,做时间的驾驭者,做知识的主人!


As a middle school student, aren't we in the spring of life now? Spring is beautiful, spring is good. And we,the most beautiful people, will sail from here.Though the way to success is hard,we can take a start from the head. students, now we are standing on a new starting line. We should start from now on, from ourselves, from bit by bit, forge ahead, study hard, be the master of time and the master of knowledge!

That’s all for my speech. Thank you !



升旗手:朱思远 崔睿 单保钧

护旗手:李静雨 夏瑞羚 胡新妍 崔玉恺 吴梦娇 吴佳庆 汪悦诚 黄宇星 王艺涵 高亚圆 周宇翔 李俊伶

初一(1)班 班团队


课任老师:李晔 滕晴媛 白垚垚 辜驿惠 王坤 李梦露 张菱淼 周洋 姜航 宋欣

