滨河淮外 I 初中部_维护国家安全,共建美好家园 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


滨河淮外 I 初中部_维护国家安全,共建美好家园

发布时间:2019-04-15 07:49:00



Good morning, everyone. Today the topic of my speech is "safeguarding national security and building a beautiful homeland together".

On July 1, 2015, the 15th meeting of the 12th National People's Congress standing committee pass the state security law of the People's Republic of China. China's national security in the political, territorial, military, economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields has been clearly defined. It covers both traditional security, such as military and political security, and non-traditional security, such as economic, cultural, scientific and technological security. April 15 of each year will also be identified as the "national security education day".




This year is the fourth national security education day for all. National security concerns the vital interests of every citizen and is closely related to the lives of all of us.  You and I are on duty to maintain national security . As we all know, national security, home security.

To safeguard national security, we need to ensure that China's sovereignty and territorial integrity are inviolable, state secrets are not stolen, disclosed or sold, and that public order is not undermined.

No war is just a small part of national security. As China moves to the center of the world stage, it also means that we are moving to the center of the ring. We are being tested by complex security threats. Many smokeless wars have been fought.


作为中学生,我们要积极履行维护国家安全的义务,捍卫国家主权,与一切危害国家主权的行为作斗争。从日常工作生活中的小事做起,如在上网时多注意信息安全保护等,遵守宪法、法律法规关于国家安全的有关规定; 为国家安全工作提供便利条件或者其他协助; 保守所知悉的国家秘密等。

National security is everywhere, some in our daily life, food, clothing, housing and transportation. Take a photo, bring home some local products... Your actions could endanger national security if you are not careful.

As middle school students, we should actively fulfill the duty of maintaining national security, defend national sovereignty, and fight against all acts that endanger national sovereignty. Start from the small things in daily work and life, such as paying more attention to information security protection when surfing the Internet, and obey the relevant provisions of the constitution, laws and regulations on national security; To provide conveniences or other assistance for the state security; Keep state secrets, etc.



"If you think about danger, you will be safe. If you think about chaos, you can deal. If you think about death, you will keep alive." There is no "outsider" to national security. National security is between us. Students, let's take action to safeguard national security and build a better homeland!

That's all for my speech. Thank you.



升旗手:孙万清 朱文景 季伟杰

护旗手:王镭儒 高琦瑞 侯星宇 王曦辉 蒋行舜 高铭浩 朱韵如 韩祉洁 刘靖姗 沈文炫 马振焱 贾璐碹

初一(2)班 班团队

班主任:孙 露

课任老师:张梦婷 周向春 翟晓晓 辜驿惠 朱斌 戴彦贤 张菱淼 周洋 姜航 宋欣