滨河淮外 I 初中部 _好习惯成就大未来 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


滨河淮外 I 初中部 _好习惯成就大未来

发布时间:2019-04-22 08:03:00


Good morning everyone! Today the topic of my speech is "good habits make great future".

William James, a famous psychologist, says: “Sow an action, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap a fate.” When ideas change, actions change; Habits change as actions change; Character changes as habit changes; Character changes, fate changes; Life changes when fate changes.



French writer bacon once said "habits are the master of life, people should try their best to pursue good habits. Indeed, habits are like a compass on our body, guiding everyone's action. Habits are like a carving knife, and many of people's qualities are their works.

Habit is not a whim, nor is it a few days a few months of short-term behavior, once formed, it has strong vitality and persistence and it will be with people for a lifetime. For our middle school students, obeying laws, regulations and school rules, respecting teachers, uniting classmates, good personal hygiene habits, helping others and good study habits will contribute to our development. For most of the students, academic performance, although related to intelligence factors, but is more closely related to non-intelligence factors. But in the confidence, the will, the custom, the interest, the disposition and so on, main non-intelligence factor, the custom also holds the important position. You might even say that the habits you form directly determine your success.


Please form the following good habits as soon as possible. Actively cooperate with the teacher in class. Don't distract; Be diligent in hands and write things down. Think hard and ask "why" .Strive for perfection in everything you do. Communicate with teachers and parents. Speak up, especially about your goals. Wake up every morning and make a plan for your day. Every night, sum up what you've done during the day. Reflect often on what you do; And so on. Students may also want to compare these good habits you have.




Here, I need to point out to the students, to develop good habits, you have to have perseverance. In fact, the prerequisite for success in breaking bad habits and developing good habits is the quality of perseverance.  Actually, tenacity itself is a habit and a high degree of self-discipline. With this high level of self-discipline, you can develop good habits. The important thing is persistence, the difficult thing is persistence, the successful thing is persistence, the good habit is formed in persistence.

Let's form good habits from now. Yesterday's habits are what we are today, but today's habits are what we will be tomorrow. Wish all of our classmates can have more good habits and lead us to the other side of success.

That's all for my speech. Thank you.



升旗手:夏艺源 李勋尧 刘善德

护旗手:郭姿彤 文一菲 刘婧文 郝茜婷 相智怀 李雅慧 张小雨 范华清 郑  芸 杨清涵 吴  昊 王艺潼

初一(3)班 班团队


课任老师:曹 茹 于晗笑 白垚垚 辜驿惠 朱 斌  戴彦贤 宋欣 孙 都 张菱淼 周洋


