滨河淮外_热爱劳动是一种美德 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-05-07 06:10:00



Good morning everyone! Today the topic of my speech is "the love of labor is a virtue."

I believe you all feel the meaning of labor in the May 1 holiday. Here, I want to say that labor education is a required course of life, it’s very meaningful for the growth of our teenagers to have good labor habits.




Firstly, the process of labor is the process of practice.The main purpose of learning is to use and create.If we do not have good labor habits, it is difficult for us to use what we have learned to life, much less how to use and create it.

Secondly, labor plays an important role in cultivating everyone's healthy personality.The study found that: first, the longer the labor time is, the stronger the independence will be;Second, the longer you work, the more industrious and thrifty you will be.We do housework when we were young, it can train us to bear hardships, cherish the fruits of labor, treasure family affection, respect for others and other qualities, we will be more promising than those who are lazy.



If we want to love labor, we need to make it a habit. If we form this good habit, labor will become a pleasant process.China's famous actor Feng Gong, when he was a child, his family was very poor, but he was very sensible, and often helped his mother do housework. In winter, he went out against the cold wind to pick up coal. Adversity cultivated his perseverance.




Labor can make a man.In this May Day holiday, many students often help their parents do housework at home, do some things like washing clothes, washing dishes, picking vegetables, shopping, cleaning, tidying up the room and so on. But, we can’t rule out some students eat with call, leave the table at once after eating, we can’t rule out some students often let parents make the bed, we can’t rule out some students get unhappy when they are told to do some work by parents. Dear classmates, we have to rely on our own ability to live; Work with our own hands.Labor can improve our knowledge and it is a pleasure.We should always remember that "it is a matter of pride to work hard and a matter of shame not to work hard";We must persevere, we should realize that it’s necessary for us to labor in our daily lives.






At last, I hope we can respect everyone who works.Labor is the most glorious, labors are the most beautiful.Whether they are officers or migrant workers, whether they are scientists or cleaners, they are all glorious workers and should be respected by us.

I believe that as long as we are willing to do, we can certainly get a lot of happiness from the labor, get a lot of truth of life too. Please remember: the love of labor is a virtue.Let us all love labor, love life!

That's all for my speech. Thank you.




升旗手:纪家锐 李苏麟 鞠韶华

护旗手:齐芷晗 施焱 王宇轩 卢非凡 李咏泽 王宏磊 王刚 高欣怡 单春利 季东阳 段博文 刘濡溪

初一(4)班 班团队


课任老师:刘念 石慧 朱睿 白垚垚 辜驿惠 朱斌 杨吉雄 孙都 张菱淼 宋欣 周洋




