滨河淮外_与法同行,快乐成长 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-05-22 09:02:00


Good morning everyone! The title of our speech today is "growing up happily with the law".
As the saying goes: "A state has law and a family has rules. The law is the foundation of a state. The law will bring order to our society and make us live and work happily.


However, in our life, we often hear some news about teenager crime, people cannot help asking: "What's wrong with teenagers?
If there is an answer to this question, then I would like to say: "This is not a person's fault! Families, schools and society all have responsibilities.


Families give the children too much love, so the children are selfish; We pay less attention on moral education so that students are ignorant. The unhealthy social comparison spirit leads to teenagers’ wrong outlook on life and values .
And, of course, they have their own responsibilities. They are selfish and have a weak sense of the law. If they have good living habits, set up a right outlook on life and values, and realize that their bad actions will cause serious problems. They are sure to pay a high price for their bad actions. Then, will they still do that?


The 21st century is a legal society. We must know the law, obey the law. Liu Bei said: "Don’t do bad thing though it is small. Show your kindness though it is little". You know, "The law has long arms."
Let us do it together, and grow up with the law. So that China will be full of harmony.
That's all for my speech. Thank you.

升旗手:许明辕 戴依杭 姚启蔚
护旗手:张端磊 钱佳辉 许家振 禹经纬 邹吕鑫 何雨轩 陈琪 郁纯 林典 范苏雅 纪艾 翟文宇
初一(5)班 班团队
课任老师:付 佳 薛礼红 白垚垚 辜驿惠 王 坤 杨吉雄 张菱淼 周 洋 姜 航 宋 欣