【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外 丨初中部_让文明之花绚丽绽放 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校


【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外 丨初中部_让文明之花绚丽绽放

发布时间:2019-05-27 10:02:00

Good morning, everyone. The topic of my speech is " The Bloom of Civilization".
Since ancient times, China has been a state of ceremonies.
In Three-Character Canon, it is mentioned that “When one is young, he should make the best of his time, associating with the good and the wise,  and learning to stand on ceremony.”


When we read the classics, we know that “Civilization makes men. Civilization helps things succeed. And civilization helps a country to be at peace.” We grow up under the influence of civility. Civilization is closely related to our study and life.
What is civilization?  Civilization is rooted in inner cultivation.
Civilization is self-consciousness without reminding. Civilization is kindness for others. Civilization is in your gestures, in your language and  in everyday life.
When you walk into the school in clean uniform   and see the teachers and classmates greet you warmly, it shows more than politeness.
When you walk into a classroom and voluntarily clean the blackboard and desk, it shows more than hard work.
When you help your classmates with difficult problems, it shows more than kindness.
When you pick up the waste paper on the floor and throw it into the rubbish bin, it shows more than cleaning.
When you gently place your plate on the table after meals, it's not just about rules. Your actions show your gratitude and love for your school.


Dear classmates, it’s our common wish to have a civilized and beautiful homeland. In order to respond to create a "national health county" and "national civilized city", all of us may take the following actions:
At school, we should obey the school rules, respect the teachers, get on well with classmates  and keep our school clean and beautiful.
At home, we should be grateful and do what you can. At the same time, try our best to make our families happier.
In the society, we should obey traffic rules and public order, and try to be a model for those around you.

Civilization is a quality. Civilization is a pursuit. Civilization is our spiritual home. Let the civilization blossom all over the country.
That's all for my speech. Thank you.


升旗手:孙澜翔 陈俊良 王常昊
护旗手:夏畅 顾晨一 王子柯 孙宇杰 夏恒 丁治彭 朱悦 张炜晗 刘亦航 孙有为 丁浩然 蒋嘉甜
初一(6)班 班团队
课任老师:葛猛 王姝盟 朱芳芳 白垚垚 汪玲 王坤 杨吉雄 张菱淼 周洋 姜航

