【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外丨初中部:祖国,我为您骄傲 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-09-24 10:08:00


初二(4)班  梅凯钧




The motherland, I am proud of you

Class 4 Grade 2  Xu jin han

Dear leaders, teachers, parents and students:

Hello everyone, the title of my speech today is: the motherland, I am proud of you.

Our motherland has a long history, our motherland splendid culture, our motherland vast territory, as Chinese descendants, Chinese children, I feel very proud and proud! We are proud, the motherland is one of the four ancient civilizations! We are proud, the motherland has five thousand years of brilliant culture!


"Fifty-six ethnic groups, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family." Our motherland is great! How many nations have been born! We are a family, a loving family. Together, we have traversed a cultural journey of 5,000 years. On the ancient Chinese soil, the industrious, brave and intelligent people of all ethnic groups have worked together to open up a vast territory. The motherland in progress, the development of The Times, we have entered the 21st century. "Shenzhou" series of manned spacecraft was successfully launched and returned home, realizing the dream of human beings flying into space.Chang 'e I is also writing a new chapter in Chinese history! The surging river, rolling Yellow River, continuous mountains and rivers, all belong to our great motherland. Students, when you stand on the majestic winding Great Wall; When you walk by the Yellow River; When you stand still on the shore of the boundless bohai sea, does your heart feel sad? Is it passionate? Are you proud of your beautiful and rich country?



Students, "young strong, and the country strong" we are the first flowers, we are the rising sun, we are the future construction of the motherland. On the coming day of the 70th birthday of the motherland, let's open our hearts and cry together: "the motherland, I am proud of you!

That's all for my speech. Thank you.



升旗手:宋佳轩 张子阳 刘旭东

护旗手:王  琳 朱舒丹 葛子旋 李抒颖 翟文静  罗  佳 王亚军 王晶阳 沈俊宇 孙裕淇 卢雨露    陶  威

初二(4)班  班团队

课任老师:赵加明 左越 王刚 闫婧 孙阿娟 张云 杨吉雄 周洋 张菱淼 孙都 葛猛