【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外丨初中部:阳光心理,健康人生 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-10-28 15:05:00

Good morning ! Today, the topic of my speech is " healthy mental,bright life ".
We all know that, health means not only physical health but also mental health . Mental health affects a test or a game. And it affects people's work, study and life. What’s more, it affects the harmony of the school and the stability of the society.


How can we have a healthy mind? First of all, we should know ourselves correctly, enhance self-confidence and overcome self-abasement. Everyone has a talent. So  face failure correctly and believe that failure is the mother of success. A man who has been through many ups and downs are more able to endure setbacks and make a difference.
Second, communicate with others correctly and build harmonious interpersonal relationship. Harmonious relationship comes from caring for others, from respect for others.   Share your love with teachers and classmates, you will get more happiness. Communicate your ideas with others and you will get a lot of useful advice. Bitter medicine cures sickness; honest advice benefits conduct.  Let’s smile to people sincerely, pass happiness and enjoy yourself!


Third, face up to the reality and have the courage to solve the problem instead of trying to escape and pass the buck
Finally, keep a cheerful personality. To develop a positive attitude towards life, we should build lofty ideals and beliefs. Only in this way can we be cheerful and happy. Only in this way can we win without pride and lose with grace. 


My dear classmates, from now on, take care of your soul and adjust your state of mind. Let our life be full of health and happiness. Let us have a sunny psychology and a healthy life.
That‘s all for my speech, thank you!

国旗下讲话人:潘羿如(中文) 翟文宇(英文)
升旗手:朱思远 肖皓元 刘 翔
护旗手:柳欣然 刑维均 潘芷慧 高铭浩 潘曦文 彭心蓝 相懿倩 胡乃文 周昱程 邵  江 林民泽 岳苏凡

初二(7)班 班团队
课任老师:李俊雨 戴 瑞 朱芳芳 刘逸诗 薛栋泽 王 坤 戴彦贤  赵红霞 徐彦彦 宋欣 曹煜婕


教育的理想境界,不是管,不是导,而是唤起学生的主体意识。即学生能自己认识自己,自己教育自己,自觉改造自己,自觉不断前进。因为"真正的教育是自我教育"。为了让班主任从"保姆式"班级管理中解脱出来,淮安外国语学校滨河校区从2019年9月开学之初,便致力于管理思路和理念的转变,大力培养学生的管理主体意识,培养学生对班级、学校、社会的责任感和使命感。为此,我们开展了“自习免管理优秀班集体” 创建活动,采用民主的管理方法,营造和谐的班级氛围,使学生成为班级管理的主体,有力地推动了优良班风、校风的形成。


