【红旗飘飘】信念是前进的动力 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-11-04 10:15:00

Good morning, everyone. The topic of my speech today is " faith is the motivation.”
If there are several doors to success, faith is one of the keys to open them. It is an inexhaustible motive force for our success. In order to convince everyone of her research, Mrs. Curie began research on elements.


The French scientist Mrs. Curie was suspected by the world when studying new elements. And she was forced to prove it by extracting such new elements. In the study, Mrs. Curie met many difficulties, but she had a firm belief: Be sure to let everyone know the existence of this element. Finally, she succeeded.


Paul, the hero of "How Steel is Made," said: "I have experienced the pain of being abandoned and betrayed in my life. But there is one thing that saves me: my life will always have a purpose and meaning,  and it’s to fight for socialism." He spent his life fulfilling every promise. Like Paul, fight for his faith and work hard. This kind of life is respectable. Otherwise, life without faith is weak.


Faith is like the air we breathe, the water for travelers and the sun in our hearts. It is closely related to success. When we have faith, we have the power to move forward and the chance to succeed. Moreover, a firm belief is more important than success.
Dear students, the midterm exam is coming. It is both a test of what we have learned and a chance for all of us to show our strength. Maybe you are full of confidence at the moment, maybe, you are worried. Anyway, please give yourself a chance and work hard!  Believe in yourself!  we can do it!


As a teenager of the new era, the future successor of the motherland  will meet difficulties on the way of learning. As long as we keep our faith and put our goals into every action. I believe that we will overcome every difficulty, and become the pillars of the motherland!
That’s all. Thank you!


升旗手:郭仁赞 周浩洋 李苏麟
护旗手:胡新妍 张晨映 杨晓晓 张婕 薛茜尹 孙宇杰 梁极翔 刘军甫 朱笑妍 姜苏恒 施沁言 杜衡
初二(8)班 班团队
课任老师:张国宇 朱芳芳 孙利林  孙露 汪玲 朱斌 郭鹏 孙都 周洋 宋欣 张菱淼