【红旗飘飘】重新起航,展望未来 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-11-27 08:55:00
Dear teachers and classmates,
Everybody is good! The title of our speech today is " Set sail again, look to the future".
Students, the nervous mid-term exam has just passed. Every test, everyone will undergo the baptism of success or failure pain.At the same time, it is also an opportunity to hone, reflect and sublimate ourselves, which is our biggest harvest. Pass an examination, can find the inadequacy that exists in study, what gap still has from the requirement of the teacher, study method is proper wait, in order to make proper adjustment in the study in the future. Therefore, we must treat each examination with the right attitude, grasp every opportunity, give full play to their talent and wisdom.

We should not be blindly optimistic about the success of an exam. No matter who you are, you can't be perfect. Maybe you still have many weaknesses unexposed. A good beginning is half of the success, the other half is to be good at summing up, keep fighting, this is the attitude we should have.

Failure is a sobriety, is the power of continuous success, even if it is a hundred times to fall down to get up one hundred and one. We should believe that we can do well, believe that success is not far ahead. Win to win over others, lose to lose.

Test scores represent the past. The result is not ideal, if can work hard, will catch up. A test score is nothing, what is important is to strive for better results. Examination after examination, examination after examination, can let us see their weaknesses, correct their shortcomings, promote us to work harder in the future, make their grades more progress.
Students, let us determine their own direction of efforts and appropriate near-term goals, set sail again, look forward to the future, in the continuous beyond, the achievement of self!
That’s all my speech. Thank you.

国旗下讲话人:赵静怡(中文)  顾璇(英文)
升旗手:高琦瑞 鲍科词 陈昱锦
护旗手:司济硕 王费宇 马浩轩 杨远成 魏宁辰 蒋泽睿
吴宣雨 张柯楠 杨  鑫 沈子萱 姜  甜 王聪慧

初二(11)班 班团队
课任老师:曹爱国 葛猛 周剑 左越 董媛媛 胡海浪 
朱斌 杨吉雄 孙都 周洋 张菱淼