【红旗飘飘】心怀感恩,与爱同行 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-12-02 07:58:00
The topic of my speech today is “walk with love and gratitude”.
Being grateful, we can discover the beauty of the colorful world; being grateful,we can understand the true meaning of the amazing life.
We should be grateful to our parents, for their unselfishness and sacrifice for the family. As the saying goes, the "The grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring". moreover, What our parents do for us is like a mighty ocean. We should never forget their love and care for us. We should study hard so that they no longer need to worry about us;  We should do more housework so that they can rest for a while; we should not complain about or fight against our parents, and try our best to make the family full of laughter and happiness.

We should be grateful to our teachers, for their enlightenment of  our mind and the care for our growth , for everything they do for us. In the journey of life, our teachers give us hope. They always give without asking anything in return, how can we not show sincere respect to them? We should study hard at school, listen carefully in class, keep homework neat, show our respect by saying “hello”, obey school rules, and take  action to show our grace to them.

We should thank our classmates. They always help us when we are in trouble and comfort us when we are in pain. Let’s t treat our classmates   with a more grateful heart, more tolerance and understanding,   less quarrel and indifference, and more sincerity and unity, less division and jealousy.

In addition, we should also be grateful to nature and society,  we should learn to love nature, return to society. Be a dedicated man and responsible person.
Classmates, "the sheep kneel to drink milk, the raven has the heart of feeding back", Learning  to be grateful, being grateful to life, can make us really happy. There is always something to be grateful for in life, let us learn to be grateful!
That’s all. Thank you!

升旗手:李烨坤 杨可凡 杨昇
护旗手:郑奕然 韩欢 王梓昊 禹经纬 李梦果 钱佳辉 贾雯惠 禹陈星 吴祝庆 杨闯 顾明威 王常昊
初二(12)班 班团队
课任老师:张国宇 戴瑞 刘青沁 孙露 汪玲 李莹 冯彩蓉 杨吉雄 孙都 赵红霞 朱盈盈

