铭记历史,守望相助,再塑国魂 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-12-09 08:55:00
Good morning, dear teachers and students!
Dear teachers, parents and classmates, good morning! The topic of my speech is “Remembering history, helping each other, and reshaping national spirit”
On December 13, 1937, the Japanese invaders invaded the city of Nanjing and created the deadly Nanjing massacre.During the six weeks,the Japanese invaders killed many Chinese soldiers and people, and the number is 300000. This well-known massacre brings the endless sadness to Chinese people. Facing a lot of evidence, however, some Japanese calls this massacre a lie. 
The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall shows a fact that the Japanese invaders has brought too much sadness to Chinese. Its aim is to tell people that we can never forget the sadness, and never forget that today’s peace is the fruit of the great people.
The past is a teacher of the future. The Chinese people always have a kind heart. What’s more, as 70 years past by, the time may disappear, but the memory can not disappear, and the sadness and shame will never disappear to as the history goes ahead. 
We should keep this in mind that remember the sadness and shame, the sad history is also remembering the rule: Behind will be beaten, development can be stronger.
We should be calm anytime, and be prepared for any problems ahead, and have the self-esteem, self-confidence in mind. We also should put our heart into actions, try to do what we can do for our motherland. 
As a student, the future of our motherland, should do whatever we can for the development of our country.Students, young are strong, the country will be strong. We should work hard and work for glory for our country. Because the future of our country is on our shoulders.
Let’s start right now, start with small things in daily life, start from ourselves. The idea, “Heart to heart, hand in hand” will make us work together to make our country become more and more powerful.
That's all for my speech,Thank you!
升旗手:徐默涵 王宇鑫 张炜晗
护旗手:李勋尧 韩欣语 周传航 张雨婷 赵玉星 孙宇泽 王云涵 薛庭筠 张弛 王天一 杨亚奇 夏梓皓
初二(13)班  班团队
课任老师:葛猛 李俊雨 刘明 孙政 刘逸诗 孙阿娟 张云 杨吉雄 周洋 张菱淼 朱盈盈
