【红旗飘飘】用传统文化浸润成长之路 - 德育经纬 - 涟水滨河外国语学校



发布时间:2019-12-23 08:15:00
改革开放以来,我们熟悉的洋节越来越多。这些节日都带有西方特有的浓郁的宗教色彩,特别是圣诞节,那是基督教徒庆祝耶稣诞辰的节日,相当于西方的“春节”。加上一些商家出于自身利益极力推介,圣诞节等洋节越来越受到追捧,让我国许多传统节日相形见绌。     仰望星空,还需脚踏大地。传承中华传统美德,不单是理想,更应当是行动,而且更多的是实实在在的点滴行动。

Dear teachers, parents and students:
Good Morning Everyone! The topic of my speech under the flag is  "Grow up with traditional culture".
Since the reform and opening up, we are more and more familiar with the foreign festivals.These festivals have a strong Western religious flavor, especially Christmas, which is the Christian celebration of Jesus's birthday, as important as the Spring Festival in China.What’s more, to promote interest, some businessmen try their best to sell goods on sales at Christmas so it becomes more and more popular as well as some other foreign festivals. However, many Chinese traditional festivals dwarfed. Look up at the stars, but remember to step on the earth. Inheriting the Chinese traditional virtues is not only an ideal, but also an action, and it is more a bit of real action.


We must  treat the Western festivals properly, and don’t always follow them. We should highlight the long and profound history of the Chinese civilization, and celebrate Chinese traditional festivals better, to preserve China’s traditional culture .
This is the responsibility of all people of Yan and Huang, and it is also a respect for nation,  tradition and culture.
Family members can get together to celebrate the Spring Festival , so I am grateful for the earth!And we warmly celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival thanks to the four seasons ! We should thank our seniors for their   Virtue so we can we can celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival!
Because of the kindness of our ancestors, we can have a happy life, so we should celebrate the Qingming Festival! We celebrate Double Ninth Festival to pay back for our relatives !


Each of us is a Chinese.so we are charged with carrying forward the traditional culture, and take the responsibility of the recovery of Chinese nation .Let’s work together to promote traditional culture.
That’s all for my speech, thank you!

国旗下讲话人:缪宇轩(中文)  刘茗(英文)
升旗手:孙霄鹏 张博文 曹君哲
护旗手:钱韵如 楼皓天 王雨涵 郭婧婧 沙中华 曹天鹏
李新 季珉祥 方华宇 齐佳 王艺博 孙靖一
初一(1)班 班团队
课任老师:马清华 孙明 白垚垚 汪玲 王坤 冯彩蓉 宋欣 朱盈盈 张茹 姜航

