【红旗飘飘】心所至,梦必达 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2021-01-11点击次数:1824次字号: |


Dear teachers and students.
The talk is "How the dream can come true.”
If we work hard, we will achieve even it is difficult. The final exam has quietly arrived. The sound of war drums urged forward, and banners hunted on the journey. We Bin he students, more than a thousand, face the final exam, and are ready. Only waiting for success, the heart will come, the dream will come.The final exam is not only a review of this term, but also an exam to everyone's quality.
Here are some of my tips for preparing for the final:
One,Cherish the time
To prepare for the final exam, we must count every minute. Get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning, come to class 10 minutes earlier after meals, and study 10 minutes earlier in the evening. A person who counts his time by minutes has 59 times more time than a person who counts his time by hours.
Two, targeted review
To prepare for the final exam, we should highlight the "five practices". Practice standard, practice speed, practice focus, practice skills, practice ability. In preparing for the exam, we must do the standard of exam and answer the standard.We should insist on regular training, do it slowly, be right, and not waste a minute. To develop their ability through practice, to be able to calmly answer each question.
Third, Keep practicing and you can do it finally.
In preparation for the exam, we have goals, plans and insistence; Never give up., success will come. Life is wonderful everywhere. It's like the writer Liu Tong said, "You have to work very hard to look effortless."
Life is not exciting if you do not fight! The examination room is a field and a stage for you to show your talents. Classmates, don’t waste time. At the end of the exam preparation, time is limited, and the heart is cleaned. You and I are dark horses! I hope you make good use of your time and do well in the final exam! We win the final examination! Where the heart goes, the dream will come!
That's all for my speech. Thank you.
升旗手:徐子鹏  赵子博  陈俊宇
护旗手:贾浩宇  单岩博  张子轩  赵恩阅  赵竹瑞  宋应祥  潘俊霖  孙雅轩  颜多多  陆静  王悦  朱明慧
科任老师:王月  曹博怡  周梦雅  韩悦  周冶  周洋  孙都  柴姗姗  张菱淼  杨吉雄