【红旗飘飘】三月春风处处暖,雷锋精神代代传 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2021-03-09点击次数:1588次字号: |
Dear teachers and classmates:
Good morning! Today, the topic of our speech is "spring breeze is warm everywhere in March, the spirit of Lei Feng is passed down from generation to generation".

Now, flower are blooming, spring returns to the good earth. with the spring breeze in March, the annual study of Lei Feng Month comes quietly. The smile in the carriage becomes the spring breeze, stories in the rainy night convey the warmth, he planted the noble in the ordinary, and wrote the life without regret with the youth. His sincerity is the gorgeous rosy clouds of the horizon, his love is the charming scenery of the roadside. He wrote a diary handed down classics, he built a spiritual Great Wall with good deeds. Though his shadow is gone, the soul of the nation is awakened. He is still walking through the land of China, you do not see that support life with life; He still leads our ranks, you do not see the scrappers smoothing the scratches of conscience; He will always live in our hearts, you do not see hunting the party flag and floating field of the red scarf. He is the most simple interpretation of advanced culture, he is the most true inheritance of traditional virtues, he is immortal incense -----the spirit of Lei Feng!

As a teenager in the new era, to learn from Uncle Lei Feng, we must start from the most ordinary things around us: throw the garbage into the garbage can, care for the environment, you will be a clean person; Enthusiastic to help the side of life, learning difficulties of the students, you will be a caring person; Cherish every minute, study hard, you will be a hard and enterprising person; To see hello to teachers, respect the old and love the young, you will be a polite person; Take your social responsibility and fulfill your life promise, and you will be a happy person. As long as you are strict with yourself in small things, you will be the "Lei Feng" of the new era.

Learning Lei Feng, but also starts from consciously complying with the school and class rules and regulations; learning Lei Feng, starts from caring and understanding teachers and solidifying schoolmates; learning Lei Feng, starts from filling with love and understanding gratitude; learning Lei Feng, starts from tolerance and respect; learning Lei Feng, starts from studying hard and persistent pursuit and so on.
I believe that Binhe Huaiwai will be more warm because of the inheritance of the spirit of Lei Feng. Our study will be more forge ahead because of the guidance of the spirit of Lei Feng, and our life will be more valuable!
Dear students, let us join hands and work together. With you, me and everyone, I believe that the spirit of Lei Feng will pass on in Binhe Huaiwai, and the flower of Lei Feng will bloom in the beautiful family.
That’s all for my speech. Thank you for your time!

国旗下讲话人:张乐(中文)  姜茗馨(英文)
升旗手:汪子然   李一翀   嵇高俊
护旗手:潘灏文  罗安国  嵇浩轩  陈星宇  朱雨航  王子恒  阮嘉橙王译君 顾宇涵  袁诗琪  陈姝伊  张佳宜
初一(4)班 班团队

科任老师:张志璇  吴涵  谢康平  徐梦雅  王雯静  孙都 周冶  王定巧  曹煜婕  周梦雅
