树立消防意识,创建平安校园 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2023-11-07点击次数:411次字号: |



Dear teachers and students,

Good morning! The topic of my speech today is: Set up fire knowledge, create a safe school.生命只有在安全中才能永葆活力,幸福只有在安全中才能永具魅力。安全构筑了我们美好的家园,在安全的问题上,来不得半点麻痹和侥幸,我们必须防范在先、警惕在前;必须要树立高度的安全意识,人人讲安全,时时讲安全。Life can only be alive in safety, and happiness can only be charming in safety. Safety has built our beautiful home. On the problems of safety, we must not allow any chance. We must guard against in the first place. It is necessary to set up a high degree of safety awareness, everyone talks about safety, always talk about safety.

这个季节正值深秋时节,天干物燥,火灾易发。为了增强全民的消防安全意识,使“119”更加深入人心,公安部于1992年发起,将每年的11月9日定为全国“消防宣传日”。The weather and things are dry, and fire is easy to happen. In order to have the awareness of fire safety of the whole people and make "119" more popular, the government decided in 1992 and set November 9 as the national "Fire Awareness Day" every year.全国各地都在紧锣密鼓地开展防火工作。消防安全知识的贫乏,消防安全意识的淡薄总能让我们看到,听到一幕幕血的教训。Fire prevention work is being carried out all over the country. The lack of fire safety knowledge and the weak awareness of fire safety can always let us see and hear terrible things.

回顾这过去的大半年,火灾的噩梦在人们心中留下了深深的烙印:早在2019年,澳大利亚森林大火持续4个月,无数动物在这场灾难中丧生,近期澳大利亚林火再次肆虐;美国加州大火更是产生“火龙卷”,风速高达140英里每小时。Looking back over the past half year, the nightmare of fire has left a deep impress on people's hearts: As early as 2019, the Australian forest fire lasted for four months, many animals were killed in the disaster, and it happens again recently; The California fire produced "tornado" winds of up to 140 miles per hour.就我们江苏省而言,今年1-7月共发生火灾9574起,死亡15人,受伤21人,直接财产损失8927.8万元,虽然各项数据同比有所下降,但这依然是一串巨大的值得我们警醒的数字。In Jiangsu Province, a total of 9574 fires occurred from January to July this year, killing 15 people, hurting 21 people, although the data has been down , but this is still a large number worthy of our attention.随着现代化的快速发展,在物质,精神文化生活不断提高和丰富的同时,历年发生火灾的比例也在不断上升,人们面对突如其来的火灾威胁,往往容易造成惊慌失措,做出一些非理智性的举动,从而丧失火灾初期逃生的绝好机会。With the development of cities, the number of fires over the years is also rising, people face the threat of fire, often easily cause panic, make some wrong actions, thereby losing the best chance to run away.

所以,消防安全防控应该常抓不懈,消防安全教育应该警钟长鸣。作为中学生,我们应从自身做起,从学习生活的细节入手注意消防安全,防止消防事故的发生。在此,我向大家提出几点建议:As a result, fire safety prevention should be always held, fire safety education should be taught at school. As middle school students, we should start from ourselves, to prevent fire accidents. I would like to make the following advice: 1.不带火柴、打火机等火种,以及烟花、爆竹等易燃易爆物品进入校园。2.自觉爱护校园内的各种消防设施,如消防栓、灭火器等。如果发现损坏消防设备的行为,应立即上前制止或报告老师。1.Do not bring matches, lighters and fireworks into the school.2.Take good care of all kinds of fire fighting things in our school.If you find damage to fire equipment, you should stop or report to the teacher right away.3.最后离开教室的同学,要随手关掉电灯及其他电器的电源。在教室里,不准擅自使用电器设备,不准私拉乱接电线为平板等物件充电。4.打扫卫生时,不焚烧纸屑、枯枝落叶、废旧杂物,要将其运送至垃圾站。3.The students who leave the classroom at the end should turn off the lights. In the classroom, it is not allowed to use electrical equipment freely, and it is not allowed to pull electric wires to charge things.4. When cleaning, do not burn paper, dead leaves.You should put them into the rubbish bin.5.积极学习掌握一定的消防安全常识。如遇到火警应立刻逃到安全的地方,然后打119报警。5.Actively learn and master fire safety sense.In case of fire, run to safe places right away and call 119.我们要不断增强消防安全意识,发现消防安全隐患时,能及时科学处理或告知老师家长。遇到突发情况会逃生自救。我的国旗下讲话到此结束,谢谢大家。We should improve the awareness of fire safety, In case of fire, we can escape and save ourselves.That's all for my speech. Thank you.





初二(8)班  班团队













初一(1)班  初一(5)班  初一(6)班   初一(8)班   

初一(14)班  初一(15)班 

初二(4)班  初二(5)班  初二(6)班  初二(8)班   

初二(12)班  初二(14)班    

初三(3)班  初三(5)班  初三(6)班   初三(9)班   

初三(10)班  初三(11)班 初三(14)班


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初二(2)班    初二(3)班    初二(11)班     初二(13)班   

初三(2)班    初三(4)班    初三(8)班       初三(13)班   




初一(1)班  初一(3)班  初一(5)班  初一(6)班   初一(7)班  初一(15)班   


初二(2)班  初二(6)班  初二(8)班  初二(10)班  初二(12)班  初二(14)班


初三(3)班  初三(4)班  初三(6)班  初三(11)班  初三(13)班  初三(15)班   初三(16)班       
