【红旗飘飘】滨河淮外丨初中部:好习惯成就大未来 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 



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发布时间:2019-10-16点击次数:2012次字号: |
早上好!  今天我们国旗下演讲的题目是《好习惯成就大未来》。


Good morning everyone! Today the topic of my speech is Good Habits for a Bright Future.

Having good habits is an excellent quality. It can lead us to success. It can build a person a bright future.

A Nobel Prize winner said at a party in Paris that he has learned some good habits in kindergarten and they play the most important part in his life. This is because the habit is a quality that can almost stay the same forever and can’t be changed easily. When a person develops a good habit, he or she can keep on moving towards a goal. In this way, it is highly possible to have success. So developing good habits is of great importance to people’s success. One can have a bright future with good habits.


Mengzi once said: "Gifts are alike, but habits differ." Usually, everyone is born with similar qualities. However, as time goes on, good or bad habits make people different. Good habits can make an ordinary person excellent while bad habits can make a person ordinary and even destroy his or her life. Because when a person's bad habits have become part of his life, it is very difficult to develop good habits to start all over again after looking back on the past.



Bacon, a British philosopher, said: "A habit is a strong force that can control a man’s life."

It’s certain that good acts and habits are important to our growth. Our future qualities and all our future skills are the result of good habits while bad acts and habits will stop us on our way to success. Knowledge and abilities are certainly important, but good habits can usually lead you to success and help you without your notice. A bad habit can often make you fall heavily into failure from success.


Stand straight while watching the raising of the national flag to show your love for your country. Smile at everyone to show your politeness. Listen to others carefully and patiently to show your respect. Never touch others’things to stay away from their secrets. Always put things back, which is helpful to all. Be honest and always keep your word.Go upstairs or downstairs along the right side of the stairs. Work hard and exercise every day to keep fit. Keep everything clean and tidy to welcome every day. There are many good habits. My dear classmates, have you had all the good habits?

亲爱的同学们, 让好习惯伴随着我们完成理想的人生目标,让好习惯成为我们实现人生梦想的垫脚石吧!从今天开始养成好习惯,明天就可以成就你的大未来。



Dear schoolmates, let’s develop good habits to help us achieve our goals and dreams. Let good habits become a stepping stone to our dreams! Now let’s start to develop good habits to have our bright future.

Actions lead to habits. Habits form personalities. Personalities bring destinies.

That's all for my speech. Thank you.



升旗手:朱航宇 周程希 张治伟

护旗手:刘建正 宋沂霖 程佳妮 徐琦 韩雯雯 孙万清 胡润泽 周弈洋 曹彤 薛雅月 文志宏 李智

初二(3)班 班团队


课任老师:周相春 贾婧颖 张大伟 刘逸诗 薛栋泽 王 坤 戴彦贤 赵红霞 曹煜婕 徐彦彦 吴祖安