【红旗飘飘】成长的责任 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


欢度元旦 喜迎新年


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发布时间:2020-04-20点击次数:2222次字号: |



美国前总统奥巴马在他的就职演说中说:“这个时代不是逃避责任,而是要拥抱责任”。那对于我们来说,责任是什么?责任就是在集合集会的时候,我们不因为自己的原因而然其他同学在这里苦等;责任就是在班级里,我们不应自己的放松或懈怠影响了整个班级的荣誉;责任就是在同学中间,我们不因自己的污言秽语粗暴无理破坏了同学间的纯真友谊:责任就是我们尽自己的努力为集体奉献自己的爱心,哪怕是为班集体擦擦讲台,捡捡粉笔头哪怕是 悄悄滴为同学送上一句关心的问候。一切美好氛围的营造,都是我们的责任。

Dear teacher, parents, and students:

Hello, everyone!The topic of my speech today is the responsibility to grow up.

In his speech, former President barack Obama said: this is not an age to avoid responsibility, but to embrace it. What is the responsibility for us? Responsibility is in the assembly, we will not let other students wait here because of our own reasons; Responsibility is in the class, we do not affect the honor and assessment of the whole class because of our relaxation; Responsibility is we do not destroy the innocent friendship between our classmates because of our profanity.


Dear students, every move reflects a person's civilization; Little by little, reveal a person's inner world. We should understand: the courage to take responsibility is everyone to the first criterion of success: a responsible person, do not find a reason for failure, because he dare to take responsibility; No excuses for mistakes, because he is good at taking responsibility; No trouble for the group, because he is willing to take responsibility! A person who is willing to pay for the collective, even if his ability is a little less, he can also through the effort for the collective to play their maximum value.

Therefore, in the process of growing up, students must be good moral character to regulate their behavior, abide by the school discipline, abide by the class convention; Respect teachers, unite students, help each other; Attention to detail, civility, pay attention to character cultivation. Each student has to start from the small things around: such as picking up litter on the floor, such as morning exercise neat and powerful movement, such as orderly line up, such as the teacher, such as a polite greeting, such as students help each other, such as the quiet homework, and so on.

Remember: do not do good in small ways, not evil in small ways. We often say that "excellence is not an act, but a habit", when excellence becomes a habit, you all naturally different, you are the model of responsibility for growth!



Finally, and we share liang qichao's words: today's responsibility, not others, but all in my youth. Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, the youth rich is the country rich, the youth strong is the country strong, the youth progress is the country progress, the youth male in Europe is the country male in Europe. Let us start from the small things around to be a responsible person.

That's all for my speech. Thank you.




升旗手:颜 琪 孙炜皓 肖京哲

护旗手:谷如航 苗  雨 杨力嵘 崔艺凡 夏盈盈 陈昱全 王  婷 孟凡馨 许志瑞 吴子轩 杨智翔 吴  桐



课任老师:庞应虎 周星余 白垚垚 汪玲 高雅茹 李小平 宋欣 朱盈盈 张茹 姜航
