【红旗飘飘】《勿忘国耻 圆梦中华》 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 



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【红旗飘飘】《勿忘国耻 圆梦中华》

发布时间:2020-09-14点击次数:1709次字号: |

大家上午好!今天我国旗下讲话的题目是《勿忘国耻 圆梦中华》。
 Dear teachers, dear students:
Good morning, everyone! The topic of our speech today is "Don't forget the national humiliation, realize the dream of China ".
The autumn breeze is cool, the sky is high and the clouds are pale, and we have just held a grand flag-raising ceremony in our beautiful Binhe Huaiwai .
Looking at the five-star red flag flying high, we have seen a nation that is taking off, and we will not forget the history of this national humiliation.
Looking back, the wind of history has blown open a painful page in China.Humiliation and anger, grief and pain, frozen in the years of unbearable.

Although the Times have changed,when I think of it now, the scenes still clearly emerge in my eyes: love and hate interwoven in this land;The Chinese land is stained with a bright red;From the Opium War to the Nanjing Massacre, each event is engraved in the hearts of every Chinese.
In the face of the barbaric atrocities of the foreign powers,our Chinese nation has never yielded.To expel the foreign powers and gain the liberation of the nation, all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation use their own iron will to prove to the world: the Chinese nation is invincible!
Huang Jiguang who rushed to the loophole, dong Cunrui who sacrificed his life to bomb the bunker, Liu Hulan who would rather die than surrender, the five warriors of Langya Mountain who fight with hundreds of enemies, Zhang Ga who joined the army at a young age and so on. Behind every name, there is a heroic story that can be sung and sobbed.And every story is a soul-stirring song.


Today, the glorious images of anti-Japanese heroes seem to stand in front of my eyes. Today, the national humiliation is still on the head of the Chinese nation like a mountain, and more than a billion people can't get through it. And the hearts of our young people have been filled with sorrow as heavy as lead.
Some people will say, it has passed, let it pass, why not? This is because forgetting shame can reduce sorrow, but remembering shame is to remember the historical trauma of the motherland, to arouse a strong national spirit and to let us cherish today's happy life. 
We live in a peaceful and stable society, but we cannot forget our mission.


We are studying in Binhe Foreign Language School.We must hold the belief of "reading for the rise of China ".For the prosperity of the motherland, we must be mountain climbers, to enjoy the magnificent peaks; we must be waves, to enjoy the power of the sea; We must be the instrument of the times to play the strongest sound of the great times!
That’ all for my speech! Thank you!

升旗手:尤优 江文轩 刘家延
护旗手:刘苏  刘烨  王子文  张维珈  徐雨琪  薛安琪  马煜哲  张栩豪颜玟  徐朗  胡馨元  刘润璇
初二(2)班 班团队
科任老师:刘茜茜  刘青云  潘丽  沈天地  胡海浪  薛栋泽 谢康平  李小平  陈瑞  张茹  姜航  朱盈盈
