我安全,我健康,我快乐 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 



欢度元旦 喜迎新年

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发布时间:2022-03-28点击次数:1537次字号: |



Dear teachers and classmates.Good morning!

Today the topic of my speech is happiness comes from safety and health. Do you know that the last Monday of March is National Safety Education Day for primary and secondary schools?
    As a simple word, safety means a lot in human history. All we human beings want are based on safety. To cherish life, let us pay attention to safety first!

If we pay attention to traffic safety, follow traffic rules, accidents can be avoided. If we pay attention to food safety and do not buy food from roadside, we can avoid food safety accidents. If we do not run after each other and play in class, and improve our awareness of safety precautions, we can avoid some injury incidents.

In consideration of safety, we can only take precautions and be vigilant. The best way is to be alert in thinking, conform to the rules, and execute promptly. Therefore, I call on all of us take following actions.





First, we students should be friendly. We should go up and down the stairs in an orderly manner instead of scrambling. When you come to the corner, slow down to prevent collisions and stampede accidents. Between classes, don't chase and play on the stairs.We had better not run around or play dangerous games.

Second, pay attention to personal safety.we have to wash hands more often, exercise more, and do not overeating. The classrooms should be full of fresh air by opening the windows.

Third, do not bring fire into school, do not touch various electrical appliances at will, and do not bring prohibited items into the school. We had better take care of the school's fire-fighting facilities and electrical equipment, and leave the classroom after school with the doors, windows and electrical equipment closed.

Fourth, we shouldn’t leave the school without the permission of your teacher. Do not talk to strangers on your way to school, and do not leave school with strangers.




Dear classmates, health is necessary for everyone in our lifetime. Health is the basic of achievement and happiness.

Let us pay attention to behavior safety, health safety, food safety. Be a healthy person, study happily and live a relaxed life. We have to use our own eyes to discover, and use our hands to find a safe, healthy and happy tomorrow!
That's all for my speech. Thank you.


国旗下讲话人:杨瑾宁(中文) 赵婧(英文)

升旗手:杨景棋  李心悦  姜茗瀚

护旗手:冯瑞  辜颖  郭虚怀  李佳倚  杨智杰  谢畅  陈子昕  李涛  倪嘉璐  黄子延  李玟瑄  辜炳榕



科任老师:崔丽荣  张小丹  吴涵  韩旭  孙都  王雯静  汪文雪  周洋  赵媛  吴祖安  曹煜婕  辜驿惠