滨河淮外:传承伟人精神 共筑时代梦想 ——缅怀敬爱的周恩来总理 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 



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滨河淮外:传承伟人精神 共筑时代梦想 ——缅怀敬爱的周恩来总理

发布时间:2019-03-04点击次数:2428次字号: |
大家上午好!今天我国旗下讲话的主题是《传承伟人精神 共筑时代梦想——缅怀敬爱的周恩来总理》。


The topic of my speech today  is "inheriting the spirit of great men to build the dream of the Times -- remembering the beloved premier zhou Enlai".

Zhou Enlai was a great proletarian revolutionist, statesman, militarist and diplomat, an outstanding leader of the communist party of China and the country, and the first premier of  China.President xi jinping said he was "a shining star of the Chinese nation since modern times, and an immortal banner of the Chinese communists!"His outstanding achievements and lofty demeanor are deeply engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people , as well as in the hearts of people all over the world who are pursuing peace and justice.On January 8, 1976, the departure of premier zhou Enlai brought tears to all the people.Today, 43 years later, let us touch the charm of the personality across time and space, inherit the spirit, and build the dream of China's take-off.



We should carry forward premier zhou's great spirit .When he studied in Nankai middle school, he set the  great ambition of "studying for the rise of China" and linked his personal ideal with the destiny of the nation.As the young students of the new times, we also have to set lofty ambition, planning growth goals. Put our dreams into the great Chinese dream, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make great efforts!



We should carry forward premier zhou's great spirit of responsibility.  Premier zhou  never forgot the "China rise" beginner's mind, he devoted himself to the May 4th movement, traveled to Europe to look for truth, leading to  the uprising in Nanchang, to promote a peaceful resolution of the Xi’an  event.  After the founding of new China, He even worked harder to night , even in the final period he still cared about the people...In the face of different tasks and requirements of The Times, premier Zhou had the courage to deal with hard problems and make  efforts to move forward.As the successor of the communist cause, we should take over the baton of the predecessors, bearing in mind the motherland, take a broad view of the world, study hard, set foot on the journey of the new times, create the peak of the new world!



We should carry forward premier Zhou's great spirit of broad-minded and selfless dedication.During his long revolutionary career, premier Zhou went through too many hardships and twists . However, he was always dedicated to the cause of justice and selfless dedication. He never thought of his own gains and losses.As the future masters of China, we should also  improve or sense of responsibility, take less and give more, and become water droplets refracting the sun's rays.





Though we do not live in the same times with the great man, we can touch the red spirit and national soul by him with warm blood and life.Though we can not feel the years of the war, we can enjoy the life  of the great heroes. As a witness of the nation's changes from "standing up" to "becoming rich" and "becoming strong", we can tell premier Zhou in a loud voice: "we will surely meet when China takes off in the world!

Dear students, President Xi Jinping said that we are all dreamers, looking forward to the new times, our country is taking off, let us inherit the red genes, set up great ideals, bear the great trust of history to mke the Chinese dream light every corner of the world!

That’s all for my speech, thank you!




升旗手:王朵朵 戴诗淇 王筱语

护旗手:蒋佩轩 许馨予 王一雯 周怡彤 周敏 于可欣 张浩然 徐睿 张哲 朱浩然 宋文睿 包哲彤

初二(3)班 班团队


课任老师:葛猛 李先德 姚茹男 董媛媛 孙露 辜驿惠 王坤 杨吉雄 许文甲 张菱淼 孙都



