【红旗飘飘】致敬我的祖国 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-09-27点击次数:1712次字号: |
To my country
Good morning, dear teachers and classmates. Facing the morning sun, today outside the riverside, the five-star red flag flying in the wind, standing under the national flag of us, have a great mother, her name is the motherland.
The motherland, in my heart, she is like a painting. There are lofty mountains, beautiful rivers, no matter how to paint, but also painting its magnificent. It’s also like a song, sometimes strong, sometimes gentle, how to sing also sing not over the moving melody.

"Motherland" says one, "feeds us with her rivers of milk." Another says, "The mother of the motherland with her big heart embrace us." Because only "mother" this sacred title, can fully express the most loyal to the motherland, the purest, the sincerest, the greatest tribute.  
Looking back at history, "The road is long and the road is long, and I see no end to it", we can see that China has a long way to go, with vast territory and abundant resources. How many people with lofty ideals have spread through the ages? Zhang Qian went on a mission to the Western regions, Xuan Zang went on a pilgrimage to the West for buddhist scriptures, Jianzhen preached eastward, and Zheng He made seven voyages to the West. Our ancestors once made China go to the world and let the world know China. The great opening up ushered in great development. The Four Great inventions were once our pride.   

Looking into the future, the Chinese nation's path of "pursuing development from top to bottom" will be tortuous, but the tortuous path will only make the Chinese people stronger. Today, our motherland is like a soaring dragon, with the momentum of the clouds to the world to announce our extraordinary success.
I pay tribute to my motherland, I pay tribute to the motherland's magnificent mountains and rivers, I pay tribute to the motherland's long history and bright culture; I salute the diligence, wisdom and courage of the people of the motherland, I salute the motherland that endless, brilliant and magnificent national soul! Standing in today's era, we are the successor of the new generation of motherland. In this beautiful campus, we feel the national spirit inherited by the nation for five thousand years. We carry on the glorious mission given by the mother of the motherland, carry forward the national spirit, and make our tomorrow more brilliant.
Today we are the hope of the motherland, tomorrow we are the pillars of the motherland. The motherland is always in my heart, my heart belongs to the motherland, I, pay tribute to the great motherland!

升旗手:纪奕帆 袁书杰 周子扬
护旗手:王焱 罗扬 丁统鑫 秦铭 徐偲淳 柯子谦 左荟琳 封叶 章子岑 苗雨徐逍  孟琳
初二(4)班 班团队
任课老师:李建磊 罗雅洁 周梦 刘逸诗 辜驿惠 朱斌 杨吉雄 张茹 姜航 吴祖安 朱盈盈