【红旗飘飘】做诚信的阳光少年 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-10-11点击次数:1631次字号: |
Dear teachers, dear students,
Good morning, everyone! The title of my speech today is Be an Honest Sunshine Boy.

What is honesty and trus? When we didn't go to school, it was the saying "just a hundred years without change" when we pulled the hook. Entering primary school, we read the "everyone who speaks first, believes first". We understand that honesty and trust is a valuable quality of life. Be loyal and upright, and words and deeds should be consistent.

Honesty and trust are the foundation of human beings, and honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Make friends, talk and believe, "people don't believe, don't know what to do." If we can't be honest and trustworthy, we will gradually lose our partners and do nothing. Only by maintaining honesty can we sail thousands of miles, and the future can be expected.
Honesty plays a vital role in everyone's growth. it's not far from us.
Students, can we take every lesson well, finish every homework carefully, and admit our mistakes frankly? Only by starting with bit and supporting virtue can we become an honest and trustworthy sunshine boy.

Honesty is sometimes as light as a feather. It can be a verbal agreement; honesty is sometimes as important as Mount Tai, which can make people willing to give their lives for it.
Honesty is like a piece of gold, making our life shine; honesty is like a lamp, guiding us in the right direction.
From now on, students, let's be an honest and trustworthy sunshine boy! Practice integrity and maintain integrity with our actions at all times. Let's study happily outside the beautiful Binhe Huaiwai, and let the flowers of integrity bloom all over the campus!

国旗下讲话人:郭杨杨(中文) 聂安源(英文)
升旗手:汪涵 朱可 张子剑
护旗手:吴宇翔 纪钦怀 王旭 孙闻 周俊宇 刘俊葆 朱丽叶 贾蕊宁
初二(5)班  班团队
科任老师:崔玥 罗雅洁 沈天地 纪智 耿联 王雯静 胡海浪 姜航 陈瑞 周梦雅 朱盈盈