【红旗飘飘】沉着应考,技巧答题 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-11-16点击次数:1709次字号: |
Dear teachers, parents and classmates:
good morning! 
The topic of my speech is “Take the exam calmly, answer the questions skillfully”
The exam we are looking forward to will come this week. And I believe that all of you have been ready for it. So I will give you some advice on the skills and things you should pay attention to during the exam.
First, look through it quickly and make the right plans for it. Exams are given out five minutes in advance, and we should make good use of these five minutes.Look through the test paper, know the difficulty, type, amount, and value of the question, and then find out the answer plan.
Looking through the paper can give us a better understanding of the whole questions. Also, it can help us make a good relationship between different questions.
Second, do the easy questions first and then the hard. And then use time wisely.Any set of test papers has basic questions, intermediate questions and difficult questions, and their positions in the test paper are not always in the order of the test paper.
In the exam, you must first have a whole understanding of the content, the question types, and clear ideas for solving questions.If you have a problem, you should dare to give up, don't waste too much time, wait until you finish all the problems you can do, and then answer the questions.
Third, carefully review the questions and make clear requirements. The important  step in taking any exam is to read the exam questions again and again.Reading questions must carefully think the meaning of the question, the key words, master the known conditions, and spot the problem.
All in all, we must look through the questions more carefully. If we don’t pay attention to it, a small mistake will lead to the great failure.
4. 稳中求快,一步到位。考场的时间非常宝贵,有时会因为题量过大或者其他原因导致做过的题目没有时间回头检查。
Fourth, seek fast in stability, in one step.The time in the exam is very precious, and sometimes due to the large number of questions or other reasons, there is no time to go back and check the questions that have been done.
Therefore, we should try to be right when we answer the questions.Maybe your carefulness will take some time, but it will save a lot of time for checking out the answers.
Fifth, make sure a clean and tidy answer paper, and the standard answer.Writing is an important level of the basic qualities of students, and the formation of a good habit of  good answering. So, we must pay attention to the writing, especially in the writing part.
Sixth, no thinking after the exam. The end of one course exam also means the beginning of the other course exam.Therefore, there is no time to recall, complain, or even check the answers after the exam.Every time we finish a test, we should put down this subject, adjust our thinking in time, and devote more energy to the next test.

The above is my advice to all the students when taking the test.Finally, I wish you all good results in the exam. Thank you !

国旗下讲话人:李昱辰(中文)  汪弈彤(英文)
升旗手:陈文宜   蔡子文   张润泽
护旗手:郝孟雅   曹权   陈露婷   姜松岩   潘瀚麟   顾芮敏   咸宁   杨欣颐   汪姝含   金子峻   许璇   王亦娜
课任老师:刘青云   刘明   陈洁   张洋   胡海浪    冯彩荣    张茹   韩悦   孙都   张菱淼   周冶