【红旗飘飘】快乐英语,快乐生活 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 



欢度元旦 喜迎新年

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发布时间:2020-12-07点击次数:1902次字号: |
Good morning everyone! Today, the topic of our speech is "happy English,happy life".
Life is full of sunshine, life is full of warmth, life needs us to taste slowly, we have to learn to use our eyes to discover the moment passing by and capture the happiness in a moment and store it. So we can learn in happiness and live in happiness.
The purpose of our school English Festival is to let students get closer to English and feel the infinite charm of English. It enriches students' daily life, applies theory to practice, and makes every corner of the school full of English atmosphere.
The English drama dubbing last week let us feel the charm of the English language, let us travel in the English world.

In fact, learning English is not only because of its importance and practicality, but also because we love English. Learning English, we can feel a different language rhythm, a different way of thinking. It can give us more opportunities to contact the world. When we speak fluent English, we will feel very confident.
Confucius said, "I reflect on myself three times a day". As the successor of the new era, should we also reflect in the intense study? Have I tried hard today? Am I full today? Am I happy today?

Put into the happy study, students! In a side of the pure sky, explore culture, explore ideas, explore society, let the body and mind bathe in the fragrance of books, let the soul accept the baptism of knowledge. Out of bitter silence comes understanding, out of understanding comes joy, the sweet of joy will stay between our lips and teeth forever. This is the joy of learning, the joy of perfection  
Finally, I hope all of you can actively participate in the selection of programs in the following English festival activities. To experience the unique beauty of the English language for yourselves.
So much for my speech. Thank you!

国旗下讲话人:罗艺(中文讲话人)  黄稷东(英文讲话人)
升旗手:葛文韬   蒋镇阳   李亚桐
护旗手:顾书铨  刘权  龚宣元  吴思淼  徐耀  刘振辉  朱家慧  朱荟瑾  沈映彤  张鑫蕊  沈诗研  刘悦
初二(13)班 班团队
科任老师:李晔  刘京  周梦  孙都  徐梦雅  张洋  王坤  李小平  周洋 曹煜婕  周冶