【红旗飘飘】情暖寒冬,爱暖校园 - 红旗飘飘 - 涟水滨河外国语学校 


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发布时间:2020-12-14点击次数:1933次字号: |
Dear teachers and students,Good morning! Today, the topic of my speech is "love warm winter, love warm school"
As winter comes, it brings coldness. In order to let everyone feel the warmth around us, our school students will take action to drive out the coldness and warm the whole winter with love. It is a good deed and a traditional virtue to offer love and help others. At this moment, Your warm hands, your caring eyes, are all seeds of love. Let's turn the love into practicalaction, and explain the love with practical action!

Dedicating love is a meaningful activity. Do what we can to help people in need, donate money to them, and give them some help will bring us joy. I believe that every student can gain in dedication and feel happy in giving. A harmonious society needs understanding and help. A harmonious school needs love and friendship. It is a virtue of our Chinese to help those in need, and also a traditional virtue of BinheHuaiwei. Let's give a helping hand and do something for them. Our dedication will turn into pieces of love, strands of true love, bringing new hope to Binhe Huaiwai and to the society.
Giving is honest , love is priceless, giving love will harvest hope. Let's walk hand in hand with a heart full of love. A true feeling, a love, a trickle can be merged into a river. I believe : as long as everyone gives , the world will become a better world.
讲话人:陈颖(中文)   陈怡彤(英文)
升旗手:宋睿   姚智   张美涵
护旗手:曹雨婧  张静雅  刘燕琪  张一诺  史怡然   朱远越  王子鸣  吴天童  王浩旭  马鸣秋  冯瑞  杨恒宇
科任老师:刘茜茜  徐佳  王刚  张洋  高雅茹  徐梦雅   孙都  戴彦贤  王定巧  周冶  曹煜洁 